Tribute by Simon Ellingsen (University of Tasmania)

Simon writes: “In the early 1990s, when I was a PhD student, I was lucky enough to be involved in the first Parkes search for 6.7 GHz methanol masers and spent a number of extended sessions at Parkes with Jim Caswell assisting with the observations. During those trips to Parkes I learned a huge amount about spectral line radio observing and other aspects of radio astronomy, knowledge which has served me well throughout my career. One of the results of this observing program was the first extensive study of 6.7 GHz methanol variability (the figure is from Caswell, Vaile & Ellingsen 1995 ). One of the most variable sources we observed 331.12-0.24 has subsequently been discovered to show periodic variability and I (along with Jim and others) have continued to be involved in studying this source over an extended period of time.”

“Jim’s knowledge of masers was unparalleled, however, what I personally will miss most is the opportunity to get his take on anything and everything astrophysics. He was generous with his time and would always give you a carefully considered, ego-free opinion. I can’t think of any better way to describe Jim Caswell than those used by Jim Lovell “He was one of the good guys”. Astronomy would be better and richer if more of us were more like Jim Caswell.”

Sad news: James (Jim) Leslie Caswell (1940 to 2015)