Showing 1 – 12 of 30

April 30, 2015

by Martin Bell (CASS) We have just finished a survey that targets an extremely deep part of the time-domain radio sky with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA). We chose […]

April 29, 2015

by Michael Kramer (MPIfR Bonn, Germany) Abstract. The supermassive black hole in the centre of the Milky Way, Sgr A*, is an ideal target for testing the properties of black […]

April 28, 2015

by Bärbel Koribalski (CASS) The nearby dwarf galaxy ESO215-G?009 is unusual in many respects. It is highly obscured by foreground stars and dust of the Milky Way, making it diffult […]

April 27, 2015

The Sydney Morning Herald’s headline on the 14th of January 1953 read: HUGE RADIO TELESCOPE FOR RESEARCH STATION “Workmen installing a 36-foot diameter radio telescope at the Potts Hill station […]

April 26, 2015

by Rob Hollow (CASS) A beautiful sunset over the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP) at the Murchison Radioastronomy Observatory (MRO) in Western Australia. – August 2013.

April 25, 2015

by Jill Rathborne (CASS) Two images of the dust continuum emission toward a very cold, dense molecular cloud that sits close to the centre of our Galaxy. This extreme cloud, […]

April 24, 2015

by Gregory Hellbourg (CASS) On Tuesday 21 April was the official opening of the 40th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’2015) held this year in Brisbane. This […]

April 23, 2015

by Yiannis Gonidakis (CASS) ATNF summer students visiting the 64-m Parkes Telescope in January 2013 (from left to right: James Neild, Daniel Reardon, Tiffany Day, Claire-Elise Green, and Sarah Hegarty), […]

April 22, 2015

by Lee Spitler (MQ/AAO) Abstract. I will review results from the ZFOURGE survey, a new imaging campaign to track galaxy evolution over the last 12 billion years. Deep Magellan near-infrared […]

April 21, 2015

by Rob Hollow (CASS) Teachers, this is your last chance to sign up for this year’s “Astronomy from the Ground Up!” teacher workshop at the CSIRO Parkes Observatory, 15 – […]

April 20, 2015

by Bärbel Koribalski (CASS) The Grus Quartet consists of four large spiral galaxies, three of which appear to be close together (NGC 7582, NGC 7590 and NGC 7599), while the […]

April 19, 2015

by Maxim Voronkov (CASS) Bird’s eye view of the 64-m Parkes radio telescope. Picture taken during a fly-over on 3 Jan 2009 with Maxim Voronkov by passengers Michele Pestalozzi and […]

Welcome to the ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture (ADAP), brought to you by staff and users of the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF). Our aim is to present science and engineering results, research highlights from recent publications, technical updates, telescope pictures, conference summaries, etc.

Our site was inspired by the fabulous Astronomy Picture of the Day – @APOD and the ASTRON/Jive Daily Image – @dailyimage.

We welcome all ATNF users to submit an image related to our facilities (Parkes, ATCA, Mopra, ASKAP and LBA), together with a brief description and credits. Submissions can be emailed to the ADAP curator, (phil.edwards [at]

The ADAP was created in December 2014 by Baerbel Koribalski and Simon Johnston. Over 2500 ADAPs have now been published. Vince McIntyre, Nathan Pope, and Andrew O’Brien are acknowledged for their dedicated technical support. The ADAP is currently curated by Phil Edwards.