CSIRO Astronomy & Space Science (CASS) is looking for an enthusiastic Postdoctoral Fellow to join the vibrant and diverse CASS Astrophysics Group. Apply by 30 April 2016 .
As a Postdoctoral Fellow, you will work with Dr B. Koribalski and her team on the upcoming ASKAP HI All Sky Survey (WALLABY) . In preparation for the ASKAP-12 WALLABY Early Science you will join the ASKAP commissioning team and take a leading role in the calibration, analysis and publication of early ASKAP HI spectral line data. – The images above show the recent ASKAP 36-beam image made with nine PAF-equipped antennas (top left), the wide-field Phased-Array Feed on one ASKAP antenna (top right), and three of the 36 x 12-m ASKAP antennas (bottom).