Showing 1 – 12 of 22

May 31, 2016

by Logan Campbell (Ku-Ring-Gai High School) A snapshot from the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) Sky Camera , giving a view of the sky to judge the weather conditions. ATCA […]

May 30, 2016

Photo by Alex Cherney (Terrastro) CSIRO’s Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) as photographed by Alex Cherney. The ATCA (6 x 22-m dishes) is a synthesis telescope, using Earth rotation to […]

May 27, 2016

by Simon Johnston (CASS) The AT Steering Committee (ATSC) met for two days of deliberations at the Parkes radio telescope . The committee took time out to get a “hay-ride” […]

May 26, 2016

by Jamie Farnes (Radboud University Nijmegen) The large radio nebulae W50 has previously been compared to an interstellar manatee. Astronomers are uncertain about the origins of this weird manatee, but […]

May 25, 2016

by Jenny Shih (Gemini Observatory) Abstract. Galactic-scale outflows play an important role in galaxy evolution by regulating the star formation rates and suppressing the growth of supermassive black holes. We […]

May 24, 2016

by Wasim Raja (CASS) The team went to visit the CSIRO’s 64-m Parkes Radio Telescope (or simply “The Dish”) for testing and characterising a prototype Mark III Phased-Array Feed (PAF) […]

May 23, 2016

by George Heald (CASS) CASS is co-organising “The First Pietro Baracchi Conference: Italo-Australian Radio Astronomy in the Era of the SKA”. This conference is designed to bring together Italian and […]

May 20, 2016

by John Tuthill (CASS) Daniel, Mia and John took these photos from the Parkes Dish while on an amazing tour of the instrument which was very generously provided by Parkes […]

May 19, 2016

by Jamie Stevens (CASS) For an inexperienced observer, it can be a challenge to find relevant and up-to-date information about how the ATCA works. Thankfully, our experienced users are very […]

May 18, 2016

by Bill Coles (University of California San Diego) Abstract. Pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) are designed to search for evidence of gravitational waves from super massive black hole binaries. The sensitivity […]

May 17, 2016

by Karen Lee-Waddell (CASS) Lee-Waddell et al. (2016) has recently been accepted for publication in MNRAS. This paper is the culmination of a multi-wavelength unbiased survey of the gas-rich dwarf […]

May 16, 2016

by Brett Hiscock (CASS) This beautiful panorama shows about half of the 36 ASKAP antennas at the Murchison Radioastronomy Observatory. The photo was taken on the 16th of March 2016 […]

Welcome to the ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture (ADAP), brought to you by staff and users of the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF). Our aim is to present science and engineering results, research highlights from recent publications, technical updates, telescope pictures, conference summaries, etc.

Our site was inspired by the fabulous Astronomy Picture of the Day – @APOD and the ASTRON/Jive Daily Image – @dailyimage.

We welcome all ATNF users to submit an image related to our facilities (Parkes, ATCA, Mopra, ASKAP and LBA), together with a brief description and credits. Submissions can be emailed to the ADAP curator, (phil.edwards [at]

The ADAP was created in December 2014 by Baerbel Koribalski and Simon Johnston. Over 2500 ADAPs have now been published. Vince McIntyre, Nathan Pope, and Andrew O’Brien are acknowledged for their dedicated technical support. The ADAP is currently curated by Phil Edwards.