The Torpedo cluster, SPT-CL J0245–5302, is a massive, merging cluster at a redshift of z = 0.300, with a classic bow shock in the cluster’s intra-cluster medium revealed by Chandra X-ray observations. Zheng et al. have combined Australia Telescope Compact Array 2.1 GHz data with Murchison Widefield Array 72–231 MHz data to study the properties of the cluster. They characterize a number of discrete and diffuse radio sources in the cluster, including two previously unknown radio relics on the cluster periphery. The Torpedo cluster is a double relic system at moderate redshift.

The image above shows the Chandra soft-band X-ray images of the cluster overlaid with the contours of the 200 MHz MWA image in green and the contours of the ATCA image at 2868 MHz in white. The yellow circle at the bottom right shows the ATCA synthesized beam. More details are given in the paper , published in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society .