Tremou et al. present the results of an ultra-deep, comprehensive radio continuum survey for the accretion signatures of intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs) in globular clusters. The sample, undertaken with the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array and the Australia Telescope Compact Array, comprises 50 Galactic globular clusters. No compelling evidence for an IMBH is found in any cluster in the sample, strengthening the idea that IMBHs with masses > 1000 solar masses are rare or absent in globular clusters. The team named their project the MAVERIC (Milky Way ATCA and VLA Exploration of Radio-sources in Clusters) survey.
The two ATCA images above show the central 12.2 × 12.2 arcseconds for each cluster. The position of the cluster center is marked as an orange circle, and its size is matched to the wander radius of a putative IMBH. Synthesized beams are shown in blue in the bottom-left corner of all images. More details are given in the paper , published in the Astrophysical Journal .