February 28, 2019
The CASS Diversity committee was established in 2014 and includes members from all CASS areas. Its mission is to identify, implement, and monitor issues and initiatives around Diversity and Equity […]
February 27, 2019
The 12th Square Kilometre Array (SKA) Pathfinder HI Survey Coordination Committee (PHISCC) workshop was recently held in Perth. The PHISCC organises regular international meetings to coordinate scientific, observational and processing […]
February 26, 2019
Dr Ilana Feain, started with CASS late last year as “Technology Transfer & Commercialisation Specialist”. Ilana’s association with CSIRO goes back to when she was a vacation student with John […]
February 25, 2019
Ghirlanda et al. last week published in Science the results of Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) observations of the afterglow of the binary neutron star merger event GW170817. The afterglow […]
February 22, 2019
The 2018/19 CASS Vacation Students visited the ATCA during their time at CASS to get hands-on experience observing with a National Facility telescope. To ensure the weather did not interfere […]
February 21, 2019
Late last year ASKAP observations were being undertaken with up to 28 antennas, and this year the last few antennas have been integrated. The image above shows all 36 antennas […]
February 20, 2019
The Westerbork Hydrogen Accretion in Local Galaxies (HALOGAS) Survey is a deep survey of 24 local galaxies in the 21cm emission line of neutral hydrogen. The aims of the survey […]
February 19, 2019
The CASS 2018/19 Undergraduate vacation Scholarship program concluded on 8 February following a successful Student Symposium the previous day. Each scholar presented a talk about their research project then answered […]
February 18, 2019
Last week the Parkes radio observatory’s Visitors Centre celebrated its 50th birthday! On 14 February 1969, the centre opened its doors and since then, more than 5 million people have […]
February 15, 2019
The SKA Office has produced a calendar for 2019, with each month focussing on one of the 12 member countries. As the countries appear in alphabetical order, Australia is featured […]
February 14, 2019
The 2018/19 CASS Vacation Students visited the ATCA in mid-January for their own observing run on a National Facility telescope. This night-time snap, from the roof of the control building, […]
February 13, 2019
by Katia Moskvitch Abstract: Whenever there is a story in the media that gets a researcher’s paper horribly wrong, scientists are quick to blame the journalist. And it’s true that […]
Welcome to the ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture (ADAP), brought to you by staff and users of the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF). Our aim is to present science and engineering results, research highlights from recent publications, technical updates, telescope pictures, conference summaries, etc.
Our site was inspired by the fabulous Astronomy Picture of the Day – @APOD and the ASTRON/Jive Daily Image – @dailyimage.
We welcome all ATNF users to submit an image related to our facilities (Parkes, ATCA, Mopra, ASKAP and LBA), together with a brief description and credits. Submissions can be emailed to the ADAP curator, (phil.edwards [at] csiro.au).
The ADAP was created in December 2014 by Baerbel Koribalski and Simon Johnston. Over 2500 ADAPs have now been published. Vince McIntyre, Nathan Pope, and Andrew O’Brien are acknowledged for their dedicated technical support. The ADAP is currently curated by Phil Edwards.