Larry James (JPL)

Abstract: This presentation will highlight the latest accomplishments and results of NASA’s missions orbiting the earth and exploring Mars, Jupiter, the asteroids and interstellar space. He’ll also discuss upcoming missions to measure changes to the Earth’s surface and ocean levels, explore Mars with a new rover, visit an all metal asteroid, explore Europa (a moon of Jupiter), and look for planets around other stars. The talk will also highlight the critical capabilities of NASA’s Deep Space Network and the work done at the site at Tidbinbilla outside Canberra.

Larry D. James was appointed Deputy Director of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in August 2013. At JPL he is the Laboratory’s Chief Operating Officer responsible to the Director for the day-to-day management of JPL’s resources and activities. This includes managing the Laboratory’s solar system exploration, Mars, astronomy, physics, Earth science, interplanetary network programs, and all business operations. These activities employ 5000 scientists, engineers, technicians, and business support personnel, generating $1.5 billion in annual revenues.