Juliana Saponara (Facultad de Ciencias Astronomicas y Geofísicas)

Abstract: Observations of neutral Hydrogen are an excellent tool for studying interactions between galaxies or between galaxies and their environment. The 21cm HI line provides spatial as well as kinematic information of the HI gas. In this talk, I will show you some of the studies I have carried out during my PhD. In particular, I will focus on the debris we observed in the IC 1459 galaxy group using ATCA data and the results that we obtained using GMRT observations of a certain faint dwarf galaxy, KK 69. The question we want to address is: Is this galaxy evolving from a dwarf gas-rich (dwarf irregular) to a dwarf gas-poor (dwarf spheroidal) galaxy?

The image above shows the ATCA HI distribution of the IC 1459 group in the velocity range from 1200 to 2950 km/s , overlaid onto a DSS2 B-band image. Large amounts of HI debris are detected around the giant elliptical galaxy IC 1459 as well as HI emission in four galaxies (all known group members are labeled). The contour levels are 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2 Jy/beam km/s . The synthesized beam (151” × 108”) is displayed in the bottom left corner; faint grey circles mark the three different locations of the ATCA primary beam. This image is not primary beam corrected.