Norris et al. have recent published results from the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) Pilot Survey with the ASKAP telescope at 944 MHz. The survey covers 270 square degreees of an area covered by the optical Dark Energy Survey (DES), resulting in a catalogue of ∼220,000 sources. Prior to the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS), the best survey of the southern skies was SUMSS, the Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey . conducted at 843 MHz. The image above shows a typical section of the survey field, covering about 0.3 square degrees (or about one thousandth of the area of the EMU Pilot Survey) which contains about 250 radio sources. On the left is the SUMSS image and on the right is the EMU Pilot Survey image. Prominent in this image is the Giant Radio Galaxy ESO 234-68. The maximum flux density of ESO 234-68 in the EMU Pilot Survey image is 58.8 mJy/beam, and that of the strong source at the bottom of the image (PMN J2045-5135) is 1.06 Jy/beam. The rms noise level in the EMU Pilot Survey image is 25-30 µJy/beam, and that of the SUMSS image is ∼1.25 mJy/beam.