There are 66 candidate X-ray binaries within the ASKAP footprint of the LMC observations conducted by Pennock et al. These are almost exclusively high-mass X-ray binary (HMXB) systems formed by a compact object (in most cases a neutron star) accreting matter from a massive companion star. Four X-ray binaries were clearly detected in the 888 MHz catalogues. One of the most famous X-ray binaries in the Large Magellanic Cloud, LMC X-1, a black hole + supergiant system, was not detected — there was no radio point-like source at the known position of the X-ray source. However, as shown abovea radio arc was detected with LMC X-1 in its focus, peaking at 4 arcseconds due South (1 pc in projection at the distance of the LMC). If this is a bow shock ahead of the supersonic motion of LMC X-1 then this means the binary must have originated from outside the prominent star-forming region LHA 120-N 159 into which it would seem to be heading. The system may have run away from N 159 and subsequently received a lateral kick when the supernova created the black hole. The beam size for ASKAP 888 MHz is ~13 arcsec x 12 arcsec and is represented by the white ellipse in the bottom right.