Showing 1 – 12 of 23

August 31, 2023

Ball et al. have used data from the pilot observations of the EMU/POSSUM surveys to study the “missing supernova remnant (SNR) problem” — the discrepancy between the number of Galactic […]

August 30, 2023

Sarah Pearce (SKAO) Abstract: The SKA Observatory is now starting construction of its two telescopes, SKA-Low and SKA-Mid, on site in Western Australia and South Africa. This talk will provide […]

August 29, 2023

URSI, the International Radio Science Union, acknowledges scientific research in the field of Radio Science through awarding individuals with a number of URSI Medals and Prizes at its triennial General […]

August 28, 2023

The last Friday in August is Wear it Purple Day, which has a simple message — everybody has the right to be proud of who they are. Wear it Purple […]

August 25, 2023

Wear it Purple Day has a simple message — everybody has the right to be proud of who they are. Now an international day of recognition, held on the last […]

August 24, 2023

One of the events during National Science Week was a night of astronomy at the Western Australia Museum of Geraldton, featuring a panel to discuss the question “What’s the lowdown […]

August 23, 2023

Jennifer West (NSCC) Abstract: The pursuit of understanding the structure and origin of the Milky Way’s magnetic field is a central science question driving several radio polarization surveys, including the […]

August 22, 2023

The CSIRO Space and Astronomy Executive team met in Geraldton last week and took the opportunity to catch up with the SKA-Low and ASKAP teams there. The image above shows […]

August 21, 2023

The URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (URSI GASS), has been held every three years since 1919 and is organized by the International Union of Radio Science (URSI). It aims […]

August 18, 2023

The ASKAP update for August reports on maintenance activities, efforts to improve pipeline performance and image quality, and some of the interesting features found during data validation efforts. Investigation continues […]

August 17, 2023

The ASKAP update for August reports on maintenance activities, efforts to improve pipeline performance and image quality, and some of the interesting features found during data validation efforts. Data validation […]

August 16, 2023

Virginia Kilborn (Swinburne) Abstract: Hydrogen is the most common element in the Universe. Powering star formation, it plays a crucial role in the formation and evolution of galaxies. Observations of […]

Welcome to the ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture (ADAP), brought to you by staff and users of the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF). Our aim is to present science and engineering results, research highlights from recent publications, technical updates, telescope pictures, conference summaries, etc.

Our site was inspired by the fabulous Astronomy Picture of the Day – @APOD and the ASTRON/Jive Daily Image – @dailyimage.

We welcome all ATNF users to submit an image related to our facilities (Parkes, ATCA, Mopra, ASKAP and LBA), together with a brief description and credits. Submissions can be emailed to the ADAP curator, (phil.edwards [at]

The ADAP was created in December 2014 by Baerbel Koribalski and Simon Johnston. Over 2500 ADAPs have now been published. Vince McIntyre, Nathan Pope, and Andrew O’Brien are acknowledged for their dedicated technical support. The ADAP is currently curated by Phil Edwards.