The ASKAP Update for June reports on the key feedback from the Survey Science Project review workshop and the completion of RACS-high processing. The RACS (Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey) team have recently completed re-processing the high-frequency 1656 MHz data observed across the end of 2021 and the start of 2022. Unlike RACS-low-3, RACS-high was not processed by the ASKAPsoft pipeline at the time of observation and has been waiting in the queue behind RACS-mid which was recently released. Initial processing was done for a first assessment of data quality, but the results were not archived or released. The latest processing of RACS-high has benefited from experience gained with RACS-mid and the final run has proceeded quickly. All fields have been validated and released on CASDA for everyone to access. RACS-high is the third and final frequency band covered by the survey. It has the best spatial resolution of all the RACS bands, with a PSF (Point Spread Function) of just over 10 arcseconds and a median root-mean-square noise level of 192.9 uJy/beam. With all three bands available in CASDA, the RACS team’s focus will shift to synthesising a global sky model from the full set of data. This will form the foundation for improved ASKAP calibration methods in future. (Image credit: Emil Lenc)