NASA’s Deputy Associate Administrator for Space Communications and Navigation, Kevin Coggins, visited the Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex (CDSCC) last week to celebrate the 60th anniversary of NASA’s Deep Space Network, which consists of tracking stations at Canberra, Goldstone (California), and Madrid. The event was marked by the planting of three native plants to symbolise the ongoing collaboration and continued growth of the DSN among the three Nations. The picture above shows CDSCC Director, Kevin Ferguson, presenting Kevin with a gift to commemorate the occasion. The framed gift includes a representation of the Southern Cross, made from Acrylic Diamonds (as the 60 years are a diamond anniversary), the host nation flags for the DSN (Australia, USA and Spain), a golden shovel representing the planting of the three trees, and a vial containing pieces from the ceremonial trees that were planted — a Grevillea Rhyolitica Deua Flame, Leucadendron Cream Delight and Callistemon White ANZAC. (Image credit: @CanberraDSN)