The 2024 Radio School is being held this week in Geraldton, Western Australia, hosted by CSIRO, the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) and the SKA Observatory (SKAO). Plans to alternate between a west coast Radio School one year and an east coast Radio School the next started in Geraldton in 2018 and Narrabri in 2019, but were put on hold during the covid years. Following a Narrabri Radio School in 2023 , the School has returned to Geraldton this year, with a large in-person attendance and international on-line participation. The focus of this year’s school is on the new capabilities provided by the Murchison Widefield Array, ASKAP, and the SKAO’s SKA-Low telescope in Western Australia. In addition to gaining experience in hands-on reduction of data from ASKAP and MWA, participants will be introduced to the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre, part of which is dedicated to the reduction and analysis of radio astronomy data.