An ASKAP 888 MHz radio continuum image from the RACS survey showing the supernova remnant G336.7+0.5 with the putative pulsar wind nebula enclosed in the black rectangle. (Ahmad et al.)

The detection of pulsars associated with supernova remnants (SNRs) and/or pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) is crucial for unraveling their formation history, yet associations with radio pulsars are observed in only a small fraction of known SNRs and PWNe. Ahmad et al. report the discovery of a young pulsar, J1631-4722, associated with the Galactic SNR G336.7+0.5 using Murriyang, the CSIRO Parkes radio telescope. It is also potentially associated with a PWN, as revealed by the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS). The image above shows the 888 MHz radio continuum RACS image containing the SNR G336.7+0.5 with the putative PWN enclosed in the black rectangle. The beam size of the radio image is 14.3 arcsec × 11.4 arcsec and shown at the bottom left corner.