IPTA Catch-up meeting 2020

A virtual meeting instead of the in-person IPTA 2020 conference

UTC: 22nd and 23rd September

The IPTA 2020 in-person meeting has been postponed until 2021. Instead we will hold a short, virtual “catch-up” meeting.

Dates, Times and Presentations

Links will be provided here to recordings of each of the presentations.

Joining the meeting

Zoom details have been sent by email. Please discuss the live presentations and the contributed talks/posters/pdfs on the IPTA slack channel at #ipta_virtual_meeting_2020 and #talks. Please check your email for details on how to join this channel.

Contributed presentations, posters and discussion

Any IPTA member may record a short (<10 minute) presentation or submit slides or a poster. These talks will be made available here.

Bence Becsy, Neil CornishPosterJoint search for bright binaries and a stochastic background in PTA Data
Andrew Casey-Clyde, Chiara Mingarelli, Kris PardoPresentationConstraining Supermassive Black Hole Binary Populations with PTAs
Katie Cella, Stephen Taylor, Luke KelleySlidesHost Galaxy Properties of PTA Detectable SMBHBs Using Illustris
Malgorzata Curylo, Tomasz BulikPosterProbing black hole merger history with gravitational waves
Shantanu DesaiSet of slidesGalactic and Extra-galactic Shapiro delay
Timothy DolchpptxDeconvolving Pulsar Signals with Cyclic Spectroscopy: A Systematic Evaluation
Jeffrey Hazborn10 minute presentation (hosted on YouTube)Model Dependence of Bayesian Gravitational Wave Background Statistics for PTAs
George Hobbs, Jimi GreenShort pdf with 4 slidesPlanned instrumental upgrades for the Parkes radio telescope
Marcus LowerPosterCharacterising rotational irregularities in the radio pulsar population wih UTMOST
Rami MandowWebpage linkAdvertising your work with Space Australia
Dhruv PathakSet of slidesDynamical effects in second derivative of spin and orbital frequency of radio pulsars
Daniel ReardonpdfPrecision orbital dynamics from interstellar scintillation arcs for PSR J0437-4715
Levi SchultpresentationIncoherent PTA dataset combination + IPTADR2 Analyses
Abhimanyu SusobhananSet of slidespinta: A uGMRT pulsar pipeline
Qiaohong (Joanna) Wang, Stephen TaylorSlidesOutlier Detection in Bayesian Hierarchical Models with Gibbs Sampling
Shuangqiang WangSlidesSingle pulse study of a millisecond pulsar PSR J0621+1002 using FAST
Chengcheng XinVideo presentation and pdfA toolkit for multi-messenger gravitational wave astrophysics with PTA (video)
A toolkit for multi-messenger gravitational wave astrophysics with PTA (pdf)
Xingjiang ZhuADS paper linkZhu & Thrane (2020), ApJ, “Toward the Unambiguous Identification of Supermassive Binary Black Holes through Bayesian Inference”

Please discuss the live presentations and these contributed talks/posters/pdfs on the IPTA slack channel at #ipta_virtual_meeting_2020. Please check your email for details on how to join this channel.