The 2020/21 CASS Undergraduate Vacation Scholarship Student Symposia will be held on two days; Thursday 11 and Thursday 18 February 2021. The event will be accessible online via Webex (details at bottom of page).

Please join us to hear more about the diverse and exciting range of projects undertaken by our Undergraduate Vacation Scholars.

Marsfield: The Lecture Theatre will be used subject to COVID-19 seating restrictions.

Kensington: Auditorium subject to any COVID-19 seating restictions.

   Day One: Thursday 11 February 2021  
Time (AEDT)SessionSpeakerTitleLocationChair
12.30-12.351   Emma Gaschk
12.35-12.501Tristan WardAustralian Bushfires from Satellite RadarKensington
12.50-13.051Brandon VenvilleSearching for cold gas in bright radio galaxiesMelbourne 
13.05-13.201Krithi ShivakumarBluering Signal AnalysisMarsfield
13.20-13.351Tina PhanDeveloping a friendlier version of the Friendly Virtual Radio InterferometerKensington
13.50-14.052Sophia RidolfoTracing Angular Momentum in the Universe with Radio GalaxiesKensingtonTristan Ward
14.05-14.202Emma GaschkLife on M22? The Breakthrough Listen Search for Extraterrestrial IntelligenceKensington
14.20-14.352Laura O’NeillMeasuring Performance of a 3D Printed Waveguide Feed Array for a Lens Antenna with Integrated PolarisersMarsfield
14.35-14.502Tayla DahmsMeasuring Performance of a 3D Printed Waveguide Feed Array for a Lens Antenna with Integrated Polarisers in CST Studio SuiteTownsville
15.05-15.203Patrick ChiuDirection estimation for radio frequency sources using the Australian Telescope Compact Array (ATCA)MarsfieldSophia Ridolfo
15.20-15.353Franziska KnappeMeasuring effects of COVID-19 from spaceDutton Park
15.35-15.503Emi CashmanSouthern Hemisphere Asteroid RadarTidbinbilla
15.50-16.053Gabe FrancasSearching for the structure of magnetic fields in extended AGNsKensington
16.05-16.103Rob HollowWrap UpMarsfield 
   Day Two: Thursday 18 February 2021  
Time (AEDT)SessionSpeakerTitleLocationChair
12.30-12.354 Introduction Gabriella Quattropani
12.35-12.504Jonathan BarrettCsirosat-1 Ground Data PipelineMarsfield
12.50-13.054Clara MorrisDetecting Cosmological Recombination Signals from the Early Universe in the Cosmic Microwave BackgroundMarsfield
13.05-13.204Samantha GordonRFI Analysis and MitigationMarsfield
13.20-13.354Martin GossowDetecting Pulsars in Compact Binary OrbitsMarsfield
13.50-14.055William GiangDevelopment of Ground Station Hardware for Satellite CommunicationMarsfieldMartin Gossow
14.05-14.205Elise HardyRadio Frequency Interference at the Parkes Telescope 
14.20-14.355Gabriella QuattropaniCatching a Pulsar Switching Off 
14.35-14.505tbd?Observing with ATCA 
14.50-15.00 Rob HollowProgram wrap up and review