Your One Stop Shop for information about Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging within Space and Astronomy
The purpose of these pages is to collate and communicate the policies, resources, and support structures already in place within CSIRO around Diversity and Inclusion issues and to highlight the new initiatives being implemented by the S&A Diversity Inclusion & Belonging (DI&B) Committee.
What is Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging?
Diversity is the collective mixture of characteristics that exists amongst staff or the community in general. It can refer to function, experience, discipline, education, socio-economic background, marital status, personality profile, gender, age, language, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, family responsibility or physical/mental impairment.
It is critical to the achievement of our business goals that we have a culture which respects, values and actively pursues the benefits of the diversity we have in CSIRO.
Staff have the right to a workplace that is free of inappropriate workplace behaviour. Inclusion & Belonging means more than ensuring equitable treatment of staff; it also directs that differences among people should be celebrated.
Care must be taken that personal prejudices against certain groups do not intrude into work practices and relationships. Discriminatory treatment or harassment in the workplace will not be tolerated.
The principles of DI&B that underpin fair and equitable human resource practices have an impact on our daily conduct and interactions with people in the workplace and involve having respect for an individual's rights and dignity. CSIRO is also bound by law to provide a workplace that is free from all forms of discrimination and harassment.
Managers at all levels in the Organisation are responsible for the management of their staff and implementation of CSIRO's policies and procedures in a fair and equitable manner. They are also accountable for ensuring appropriate legislative compliance. All staff are expected to behave appropriately in the workplace in accordance with CSIRO's Code of Conduct, including DI&B values.
CSIRO is an equal opportunity employer.
Staff are appointed or promoted on their individual merits and capacity to perform, regardless of sex, age, sexual orientation, marital status, race, ethnic origin, religion or disabilities. We recognise the diversity that different people bring and value the contributions they make to their team and the whole organisation.
If you experience inappropriate workplace behaviour, you are encouraged to be proactive about improving the situation by talking to a trusted colleague.
In addition to HR, you can also contact CSIRO Equity and Diversity Contact Officers for help and advice, as well as the anonymous Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion initiatives within Space and Astronomy
Indigenous Engagement
CSIRO initiated its Indigenous Engagement Strategy in July 2007. The strategy aims to achieve greater Indigenous participation in CSIRO's research and development agenda and activities.
CSIRO's Learning & Development team currently offers the following programs: "ICIP True Tracks: A pathway to Indigenous engagement", "Ethics considerations in working with Indigenous communities and people", "Indigenous data- what is it, what are some tools for its protection and what does it mean for CSIRO", and "Indigenous Data sovereignty in practice at CSIRO". Staff may book to attend these through the SAP Learning Management System.
Parenting Rooms
Facilities have been provided at all CSIRO sites to provide nursing mothers and parents with privacy and space.
Multi-faith Rooms
Facilities are available within CSIRO for those wishing to make use of a prayer room/multi faith room during working hours or when required.
Diversity Council for Australia
As members of the Diversity Council for Australia, CSIRO has access to a wealth of best practice research and publications, along with the benefit of an exciting calendar of events providing the latest in diversity thinking.
S&A Diversity & Inclusion Committee
For internal staff, more information on the current actions and contacts of the Diversity Committee can be found on our Confluence page, here.
In September 2022, Eleanor Ingram was recruited as a full-time Diversity and Inclusion Manager for the business unit.
This role was established following feedback received through the S&A culture survey and workshops conducted in 2021, as well as an assessment of the workload being undertaken by mostly volunteers from the D&I committee. This role replaced the Diversity Champion model (0.2 FTE of an executive member).
The D&I manager leads the development and implementation of a D&I Strategy for the BU, advises the S&A Executive, provides guidance to managers and staff, and advocates at the corporate level and in external communities.
Feel free to contact Eleanor with any questions, comments or concerns relating to the D&I space: Eleanor.Ingram [at] .
In 2014 we established a Diversity Committee within CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science with a mission:
To identify, implement, and monitor issues and initiatives around Diversity and Equity within CASS to ensure that all staff are treated fairly and equitably within our workplace regardless of gender, age, ethnicity, culture, sexual orientation, religion, family responsibility or physical/mental impairment.
Our current Action Plan on a page is available.
The full 2024--2026 Action Plan and 2024--2026 Action Plan Progress Indicators are available. (Larger font size versions available on request.)
Who we are & Points of Contact
The current membership of the committee is spread across the Space and Astronomy sites.
Marsfield (Sydney), NSW
Kate Callaghan
Anego Liu (secretariat)
Mia Baquiran
Phil Edwards
Student Representative -- currently vacant
Tidbinbilla, ACT
Kevin Ferguson
Geraldton, WA
Rochelle Desmond
Kensington (Perth), WA
Eleanor Ingram (D&I Manager and Committee chair)
Beth Cloake (Administrative Coordinator)
Minh Huynh
Jimi Green (SKAO representative)
George Heald
Nick Carter
Mohamed Manoufali
Tamara Thompson (HR- SKA)
Greg Dowling (HR)
North Ryde
Gabby Russell (Communications)
For more information on the Space and Astronomy Diversity & Inclusion Committee please email the committee secretariat, Anego Liu (Anego.Liu [at], or the D&I Coordinator, Beth Cloake (Beth.Cloake [at]
Page last updated: 17-apr-2024, bc/pge