StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Nina Averill
Melrose Brown
University of New South Wales, Canberra, ADFA
George Hobbs
Ken Smart
Feasibility of Earth-based radio pulsar navigation with small radio antennas
Elizabeth Cappellazzo
Joanne Dawson
Macquarie University
Anita HafnerTracing Interactions between HII Regions and their Natal Molecular Clouds
Aman ChokshiRachel Webster
University of Melbourne
Daniel MitchellUnveiling Cosmic Reionisation: Improvements in Understanding Interferometric Systematics
Lucas Hoefs
Nithyanandan Thyagarajan
Curtin University
Nithyanandan ThyagarajanExploring Machine Learning Approaches to Interferometric Image Reconstruction & Classifying CRACO Pipeline Candidates
Pascal Keller
Bojan Nikolic
University of Cambridge, UK
Nithyanandan ThyagarajanInvestigating the Epoch of Cosmic Reionisation with Radio Interferometers
Tomonosuke Kikunaga
Keitaro Takahashi
Kumamoto University, Japan
George Hobbs Wideband observation of radio pulsars towards detection of low-frequency gravitational waves
Liroy Lourenco
Tara Murphy
The University of Sydney
Aaron ChippendaleRadio frequency interference monitoring and mitigation for astronomy with phased array feeds
Thomas Riddell
Ed Kruzins
University of New South Wales, Canberra
Shinji HoriuchiSpace Domain Awareness Automation Processing
Manasvee Saraf
Luca Costese
The University of Western Australia
Ivy WongConstraining the Relationship between Neutral Hydrogen and its Environment using Radio Interferometry
Himanshu TiwariCathryn Trott
Curtin University
Nithyanandan ThyagarajanRadio Interferometric Tools to Study the Early Universe
Simon Weng
Elaine Sadler
The University of Sydney
Elizabeth MahonyThe Distribution of Cool Gas In and Around Galaxies
Xuan YangXuefeng Wu
University of Science and Technology of China
George HobbsApplication of Machine Learning in Radio Transients


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
James LeungTara Murphy
The University of Sydney
Emil LencA Multi-scale Radio Study of Gamma-ray Burst Afterglows
Saurav Mishra
Joanne Dawson
Macquarie University
George HobbsHunt for millisecond pulsars around the sky region of OJ287 – a supermassive black hole binary
Joshua PritchardTara Murphy 
The University of Sydney
George HealdSearches for Stellar Radio Activity in Circular Polarisation
Gary SegalDavid Parkinson
The University of Queensland
Ray NorrisDetecting the unexpected in astronomical data using complexity based approaches
Susmita SettRamesh Bhat
Curtin University
Emil LencExploring the Southern Pulsar Population in image domain with the Murchison Widefield Array
Renzhi SuMinfeng Gu, Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of SciencesElaine SadlerThe Observational Studies on  HI 21-cm absorption
Yuanming WangTara Murphy, Elaine Sadler
The University of Sydney
Keith Bannister
Image-Plane Radio Transients on Short Timescales with ASKAP
Ziteng WangTara Murphy, David Kaplan
The University of Sydney
Keith BannisterExploring the Transient Radio Sky with ASKAP
Asha Wiltshier 
Edwin Peters 
University of New South Wales, Canberra
Shinji Horiuchi Space Domain Awareness Automation Processing: 
Southern Hemisphere Asteroid Radar Program
Miranda YewEvan Crawford
Western Sydney University
Ray NorrisClassification and Alignment of DRAGNs


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Albany Asher
Ray Norris, David Parkinson
Western Sydney University
Nithyanandan ThyagarajanA Novel Approach to Relativistic Ray-Tracing Technique in N-body Simulations
Daniele d’AntonioMartin Bell
University of Technology Sydney
Vanessa MossRadio afterglows of Gravitational Waves
Samuel Darwell
Edwin Peters
University of New South Wales Canberra
Shinji HoriuchiPolarimetric and Spectral Analysis of New-Earth Asteroids Observed by the Southern Hemisphere Asteroid Radar Program
Cherie DayAdam Deller, Chris Flynn, Matthew Bailes
Swinburne University of Technology
Chris PhillipsPinpointing the Origins of Fast Radio Bursts
Mark Edwards
Tara Murphy,
Michael Wheatland
The University of Sydney
Emil LencA volume-limited survey for radio-loud M-dwarfs with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
Marcus LowerMatthew Bailes,
Ryan Shannon
Swinburne University of Technology
Simon JohnstonExploring the magnetospheric and rotational properties of radio pulsars
Rami Mandow
Joanne Dawson 
Macquarie University
Andrew ZicEvaluating New Millisecond Pulsars from the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array Observing Program
Perica ManojlovicMiroslav Filipovic
Western Sydney University
Ray NorrisSearching for Clusters with Large ASKAP and ATCA Radio Surveys
Shannon MelroseLisa Harvey-Smith,
Maria Cunningham
University of New South Wales
Matthew WhitingA column density probability distribution function analysis of the Vela Molecular Ridge Cloud C and G333 giant molecular clouds
Chikaedu OgbodoJoanne Dawson
Macquarie University
James Green
Shari Breen
Mapping the Galactic Magnetic Field with OH Masers
Dylan PareCornelia C Lang
University of Iowa, USA
James GreenInvestigating Properties of Multi-Stranded Filament Structures in the Galactic Center
Jonathan RogersStanislav Shabala
University of Tasmania
Minh HuynhThe Environments of Radio Sources in the GLASS Survey
Jishnu Nambissan
Cathryn Trott, Ben McKinley
Curtin University
Aaron ChippendaleTowards Detection of Redshifted 21-cm Signal from Cosmic Dawn and Epoch of Reionisation


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Yi FengDi Li
National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
George HobbsDetecting Gravitational Waves using Pulsar Timing Arrays
Dilpreet KaurRamesh Bhat
Curtin University
Shi DaiProbing the Interstellar Medium toward Timing Array Millisecond Pulsars with the Murchison Widefield Array
Emily Kerrison
Elaine Sadler
The University of Sydney
Vanessa MossProbing the gaseous environment of Active Galactic Nuclei through radio and X-ray absorption 
Noor Masdiana 
Md Said
Simon Ellingsen,
Stanislav Shabala
University of Tasmania
Cormac Reynolds
Hayley Bignall
Intraday Variability of Active Galaxies
Blake Molyneux
Salman Durrani
Australian National University
Shinji HoriuchiCharacterizing Near Earth Asteroids using the Southern Hemisphere’s novel Planetary Radar System
Steve Raj PrabuPaul Hancock,
Steven Tingay
Curtin University
Xiang ZhangAdvantages and Limitations of using the Murchison Widefield Array for Space Surveillance: a Feasibility Study
Hao QiuTara Murphy
The University of Sydney
Keith Bannister
Ryan Shannon
Detecting Fast Radio Bursts with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
Abhimanyu SusobhananAchamveedu Gopakumar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai, IndiaGeorge HobbsPerspectives in Nanohertz Gravitational Wave Astronomy
Brandon Venville
Virginia Kilborn
Swinburne University of Technology
Elizabeth MahonyInvestigating The Gaseous Nature Of Young Radio Galaxies
Shaungqiang WangNa Wang,
Jingbo Wang
Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
George HobbsEmission variation study of radio pulsars


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Tayla Dahms (Hons)Mohan Jacob
James Cook University
Stephanie SmithInvestigation of Circular Waveguide Feed Bowl for Lens Antenna
Dougal DobieTara Murphy
The University of Sydney
Keith BannisterRadio Follow-up Of Gravitational Wave Events
Ahmed ElagaliIvy Wong
The University of Western Australia
Baerbel KoribalskiStudies of Interacting Galaxies & the Environmental Effects on their Evolution
Lucas HylandSimon Ellingsen
University of Tasmania
James GreenSpiRALS – Southern Hemisphere Parallax Interferometric Radio Astrometry Legacy Survey
Hiroki KumamotoKeitaro Takahashi
Kumamoto University, Japan
Shi DaiThe observational studies of pulsars for detecting gravitational waves by radio telescopes
Ali LalbakhshKaru P Esselle
Macquarie University
Stephanie SmithAll-dielectric near-field transforming structures to dielectric-less metasurfaces for high gain antenna systems
John LopezMaria Cunningham
University of New South Wales
Lisa Harvey-Smith
Matthew Whiting
From one extreme to another: molecular clouds and star formation throughout the Milky Way Galaxy
Peter Macgregor
Ray Norris
Western Sydney University
Matthew WhitingAn Investigation of the Diffuse Radio Emission in the Galaxy Cluster Abell S1136
Lachlan Marnoch
Stuart Ryder
Macquarie University
Elaine SadlerThe host galaxies and possible progenitors of fast radio bursts
Tommy Marshman
Joanne Dawson
Macquarie University
Shi DaiFinding pulsars in a new SETI survey with a GPU based pipeline
Tiege McCarthySimon Ellingson
University of Tasmania
Maxim VoronkovClass I methanol masers toward external galaxies
Aditya Parthasarathy
Matthew Bailes
Swinburne University of Technology
Simon JohnstonTiming properties across the pulsar population
Hao QiuTara Murphy
The University of Sydney
Keith BannisterDetecting Fast Radio Bursts with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder
Tristan ReynoldsLister Staveley-Smith
The University of Western Australia
Jamie StevensThe Effect of the Environment on the Neutral Hydrogen Content of Galaxies
Simon Weng
Caroline Foster,  Tara Murphy
The University of Sydney
Elaine SadlerIntergalactic Tug-of-War: An HI-selected galaxy group at redshift z=0.45
Naoyuki YonemaruKeitaro Takahashi
Kumamoto University, Japan
George Hobbs
Shi Dai
Study on direct detection of low-frequency gravitational waves with pulsar timing array
Chao ZhangJingwen Wu
National Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences
George Hobbs
Chen Wang
Pulsar search with interpretable machine learning
Lei ZhangNational Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences Pulsar Observation and Study with FAST and Parkes Radio Telescope
Songbo ZhangXuefeng Wu
Purple Mountain Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Lister Staveley-Smith
The University of Western Australia
George Hobbs
Shi Dai
Single Pulses in the Radio Observation Data Sets
Andrew ZicTara Murphy,
Christine Lynch
The University of Sydney
George HealdCool Stellar Activity at Low Radio Frequencies


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Andrew ButlerLister Staveley-Smith,
Anna Kapinska
The University of Western Australia
Minh HuynhMeasuring AGN feedback: black hole kinetic luminosity outputs from high and low excitation radio galaxies
Kieran Luken
Ray Norris
Western Sydney University
Ray NorrisAn investigation of machine-learning algorithms for the estimation of galaxy redshift
Bradley MeyersRamesh Bhat
Curtin University
Stephen OrdInvestigating the Links between Radio Pulsar Populations that Display Intermittent Emission Phenomena at Low Frequencies
Karlie Noon
Naomi McClure-Griffiths, Enrico di Teodoro
Australian National University
James GreenDistances and Motions of High Velocity Clouds
Van Hiep NguyenJoanne Dawson,
Macquarie University
James GreenShining Light on the Dark Milky Way: Probing our Galaxy’s Hidden Gas
Stuart WestonSergei Gulyaev
Auckland University of Technology
Nicholas Seymour
Ray Norris
Astronomical Catalogue Cross Identification for Data Mining and Statistical Analysis of the Infrared and Faint Radio Sky


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Shaila AkhterMaria Cunningham
University of New South Wales
Lisa Harvey-SmithA tale of high-mass star formation and its relationship to Galactic structure: A multimolecular line study from HOPS survey
Shivani BhandariMatthew Bailes, Chris Flynn,
Swinburne University of Technology
Keith BannisterA study of slow and fast radio transients
Timothy GalvinMiroslav Filipovic, Nicholas Tothill
Western Sydney University
Nickolas SeymourThe Radio Continuum Emission of Star Forming Galaxies at Low to High Redshift
Andrew O’BrienNicholas Tothill,
Miroslav Filipovic
Western Sydney University
Ray NorrisATCA-SPT: A survey of 100 square degrees of the southern sky
Daniel ReardonYuri Levin
Monash University
George HobbsPrecision radio-frequency pulsar timing and interstellar scintillometry
Jesse SwanStanislav Shabala
University of Tasmania
Amy Kimball
Ray Norris
Multi-frequency Matching, Classification, and Cosmic Evolution of Radio Galaxy Populations


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Joseph CallinghamBryan Gaensler, Elaine Sadler & Randall Wayth
The University of Sydney
Ron EkersThe extragalactic sky at low radio frequencies:  A study of peaked-spectrum sources
Francesco CavallaroFrancesco Leone
& Corrado Trigilio
University of Catania, Italy
Ray NorrisStellar radio emission in the SKA era: surveys of the galactic plane
Marcin GlowackiElaine Sadler
The University of Sydney
James AllisonAtomic hydrogen in the distant universe with the Australian SKA Pathfinder
Claire-Elise GreenMaria Cunningham
University of New South Wales
Joanne DawsonThe relationships between filamentary structures, star formation, and magnetic fields in Vela C
Katharina LutzVirginia Kilborn
& Barbara Catinella
Swinburne University of Technology
Baerbel KoribalskiThe HIX Galaxy Survey – How HI eXtreme galaxies maintain their HI reservoir
Ross TurnerStanislav Shabala
& Simon Ellingsen
University of Tasmania
Josh MarvilDynamics and synchrotron emission from radio-loud AGN
Charlotte Ward
Tara Murphy
The University of Sydney
Matthew KerrMachine-learning for Classification of Pulsar Candidates


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Jordan CollierMiroslav Filopovic
& Nick Tothill
Western Sydney University
Ray NorrisThe history and evolution of young and distant radio sources
Dougal Dobie
The University of Sydney Detection and analysis of extreme scattering events
Dane KleinerKevin Pimbblet &
D. Heath Jones
Monash University
 Baerbel KoribalskiThe multi-wavelength properties of galaxies embedded in the Cosmic Web
Vasaant KrishnanSimon Ellingsen
University of Tasmania
Shari Breen6.7 GHz Maser Astrometry with the Australian Long Baseline Array
Alessandro MainiUniversity of Bologna Macquarie University Modelling the faint radio sky: the pathway to SKA
Ayna MuseavaElaine Sadler & Sean Farrell The University of Sydney Baerbel KoribalskiIntermediate-mass black holes in dwarf galaxies
Glen ReesMacquarie University Cosmology using next generation radio telescopes
Sarah ReevesThe University of Sydney HI emission and absorption-line studies of nearby, gas-rich galaxies
Graeme WongUniversity of Western Sydney Characterising the structure of molecular clouds
Tye YoungAustralian National University Multi-wavelength properties of dwarf galaxies in the local volume


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Paul BrookUniversity of Oxford Variability in pulsars
Shi DaiPeking University High precision pulsar timing
Helga Denes Virginia Kilborn
Swinburne University of Technology
Baerbel KoribalskiA Wide-Field Investigation into the H I Content of Galaxies
Kosuke FujiiThe University of Tokyo Giant Molecular Cloud Formation at the Interface of Colliding Supershells in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Raheel HashmiMacquarie University Electromagnetic band gap resonator antennas:  from narrowband to extremely wideband
Andreas Herzog Enno Middelberg, Ruhr-Universitat Bochum
Quentin Parker, Macquarie University
Ray NorrisThe Broadband Spectra of Infrared-Faint Radio Sources
Courtney JonesUniversity of Tasmania HI Absorption in the Fourth Galactic Quadrant
Christopher JordanUniversity of Tasmania MALT-45: A 7mm survey of the Southern Galaxy
Vanessa Moss Tara Murphy
University of Sydney
Naomi McClure-GriffithsThe Galactic Ecosystem: Outflow and Infall in the Halo of the Milky Way
Emily PetroffSwinburne University of Technology Study of the interstellar medium through radio phenomena of short duration
Vikram Ravi Stuart Wyithe
University of Melbourne
George HobbsEvincing the Histories of the Cosmic Supermassive Black Hole and Galaxy Populations with Gravitational Waves
Anita TitmarshUniversity of Tasmania Investigating the earliest stages of high-mass star formation
Marion Wienen Karl Menten, Pavel Kroupa
Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
(University of Bonn)
Baerbel KoribalskiTemperatures and Distances to High-mass Star-forming Regions in the Inner Galaxy
Xingjiang ZhuUniversity of Western Australia Searching for continuous gravitational waves in the Parkes pulsar timing array data sets


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Tiffany DayMacquarie University The flows of neutral hydrogen in the grand design spiral galaxy M83
Vicki LoweUniversity of New South Wales The environment of high-mass star formation:  a study of the molecular environment within two giant molecular clouds
Nipanjana PatraRaman Research Institute Precision measurements of the radio background at long wavelengths
Hayden RampadarathCurtin University Applications of high-frequency resolution, wide-field VLBI: observations of nearby star-forming galaxies & habitable exoplanetary candidates
Kathrin WolfingerSwinburne University of Technology The effect of environment on the evolution of nearby gas-rich spiral galaxies
Rai YuenUniversity of Sydney Pulsar magnetosphere revisited: emission geometry and the synthesis of the vacuum-dipole and the rotating-magnetorsphere models
Peter-Christian ZinnRuhr-Universitat Bochum New avenues in galaxy evolution studies: large-scale magnetic fields and properties of high-redshift radio emitters



StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Guillaume DrouartEuropean Southern Observatory AGN and star formation history in high redshift powerful radio galaxies
Christopher HalesUniversity of Sydney Deep imaging of the radio sky in total intensity and linear polarisation
Dan ThorntonJodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics Pulsar and transient searching with GPUs
Xinping DengNational Space Science Center, Beijing, CAS Pulsar timing and its application in spacecraft navigation
Jay BlanchardUniversity of Tasmania Linking the radio and gamma-ray properties of blazars
Justin BrayUniversity of Adelaide Ultrahigh-energy neutrinos and their detection with the lunar Cherenkov technique
Jingbo WangXinjiang Astronomical Observatory, CAS Searching for the gravitational wave memory effect in pulsar data sets
Catarina UbachSwinburne University of Technology A multi-wavelength study of grain growth in protoplanetary discs
Stefan OslowskiSwinburne university of Technology The highest precision pulsar timing
Meng YuPeking University Two researches on pulsars


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Rajan ChhetriUniversity of New South Wales Quasars, radio galaxies and gravitational lenses in the high radio frequency universe
Kate Chow (Randall) Andrew Hopkins
University of Sydney
Ray NorrisThe evolution of young radio sources and the milliJansky radio source population
Yanett ContrerasUniversity of Chile The nature of filamentary structures of dense molecular gas in the Galactic Plane
Andres GuzmanUniversity of Chile Ionized jets and molecular outflows in high-mass young stellar objects
Chris HalesUniversity of Sydney Deep imaging of the radio sky in total intensity and linear polarisation
Luke HindsonUniversity of Hertfordshire The G305 star forming complex: a panoramic view of the environment and star formation
Minnie MaoUniversity of Tasmania Cosmic evolution of radio sources in ATLAS
Lina Levin Preston Matthew Bailes, Willem van Straten,
Michael Kramer (MPIfR Bonn)
Swinburne University of Technology
Simon JohnstonA Search for Radio Pulsars: from Millisecond Pulsars to Magnetars


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Elizabeth MahonyUniversity of Sydney Unveiling the high-frequency radio source population
Tye YoungAustralian National University Mapping interstellar molecular emission lines with the Tidbinbilla 70m radio telescope (honours thesis)
Sui-Ann MaoHarvard University Magnetic fields in the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds
Keith BannisterUniversity of Sydney Astrophysical Radio Transients: surveys and techniques
Laura BonaveraSISSA Spectra of extragalactic radio sources after Planck
Doug HaymanUniversity of Macquarie Beamforming and evaluation of focal plane arrays for radio astronomy
Aquib MoinUniversity of Curtin e-VLBI science with LBA. Exploring science applications for the long baseline component of ASKAP
Daniel YardleyUniversity of Sydney Studying gravitational waves with pulsars: results from the Parkes pulsar timing array
Annie HughesSwinburne University of Technology Molecular gas in the large magellanic cloud


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Shari Breen Simon Ellingsen
University of Tasmania
James CaswellInterstellar Masers as Evolutionary Tracers of High-Mass Star Formation
Sarah Burke-SpolaorSwinburne University of Technology Supermassive black hole binaries and transient radio events: studies in pulsar astronomy
Joanne DawsonUniversity of Nagoya Supershells as molecular cloud factories in the evolving ISM: observations of HI and 12CO in the Galactic supershells GSH 287+04-17 and GSH 277+00+36
H. Alyson Ford Brad Gibson
Swinburne University of Technology
Naomi McClure-GriffithsThe HI Cloud Population in the Lower Halo of the Milky Way
Paul HancockUniversity of Sydney The Australia Telescope 20 GHz survey and the search for young radio galaxies
Emma KirbyAustralian National University Turning the time arrow: an evolutinary history of the local universe
Deanna Matthews Peter L Dyson
La Trobe University
Lister Staveley-SmithThe Magellanic Stream South of 0 Degrees Declination – A High-Resolution ATCA and Parkes HI Investigation
Rebecca McFaddenUniversity of Melbourne UHE neutrino detection using the Lunar Cerenkov technique
Attila Popping Thijs (JM) van der Hulst
University of Groningen
Robert BraunDiffuse neutral hydrogen in the local universe
Urvashi RauUniversity of New Mexico Parameterized deconvolution for wide-band radio synthesis imaging
Natasa Vranesevic Donald  Melrose
University of Sydney
Richard ManchesterGalactic Distribution and Evolution of Pulsars


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Jamie McCallumUniversity of Tasmania Scintillation in Circinus
University of Sydney Radio polarimetry as a probe of interstellar magnetism
Leith GodfreyAustralian National University Dynamics of large-scale extragalactic jets: a multi-wavelength study of X-ray bright jets
Aaron ChippendaleUniversity of Sydney Detecting cosmological reionization on large scales through the 21-cm HI line
Joris VerbiestSwinburne University of Technology Long-term timing of millisecond pulsars and gravitational wave detection
Nadia LoUniversity of New South Wales A multi-molecular line study of an entire giant molecular cloud
Emil LencSwinburne University of Technology Studies of radio galaxies and starburst galaxies using wide-field, high spatial resolution radio imaging
Adam DellerSwinburne University of Technology Precision VLBI astrometry: instrumentation, algorithms and pulsar parallax determinations


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Marcella MassardiSISSA The extragalactic sources at mm wavelengths and their role as CMB foregrounds
Martin LeungUniversity of Sydney A wideband feed for a cylindrical radio telescope
Janine van EymerenBochum University Gas kinematics in the haloes of nearby irregular dwarf galaxies
Vicky SafourisAustralian National University Environmental influence on the evolution of jets from Active Galactic Nuclei


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Xiaopeng YouChinese Academy of Sciences The propagation of pulse signals in interstellar medium and their effect on the detection of gravitational waves
Ivy WongUniversity of Melbourne Star formation and galaxy evolution of the local universe based on HIPASS
Steven LongmoreUniversity of New South Wales The cradle of galactic superpowers – studying the natal environment of massive stars
Jess O’BrienAustralian National University Probing the shape of dark halos of thin edge-on disk galaxies
Haydon KnightSwinburne University of Technology Pulsar applications of baseband recording


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Rachel DeaconUniversity of Sydney Magnetic fields and companion stars: behind the shaping of planetary nebulae
Sebastian GurovichAustralian National University An observational study of the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation
Antoine BouchardAustralian National University The interstellar medium and evolution of dwarf galaxies in nearby galaxy groups
Ilana FeainUniversity of Sydney Active galaxies at high redshift: gas, jets and star formation
Aidan HotanSwinburne University of Technology High-precision observations of relativistic binary and millisecond pulsars


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Jamie StevensUniversity of Melbourne Neutral hydrogen in galaxy groups
Meryl WaughUniversity of Melbourne Neutral hydrogen in Fornax and Eridanus – blind basketweaving for beginners
Bradley WarrenAustralian National University The nature of high HI mass-to-light radio field galaxies


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Erik MullerUniversity of Wollongong High resolution studies of the HI in the Western magellanic bridge
Daniel MitchellUniversity of Sydney Interference mitigation in radio astronomy
Catherine BuchananAustralian National University Radio-excess IRAS galaxies
Gianni BernardiUniversity of Bologna Diffuse galactic polarised synchrotron radiation as foreground for CMB experiments
Roberto RicciUniversity of Trieste High frequency properties of extragalactic sources
Minh HuynhAustralian National University Constraining the star formation history of galaxies in the Hubble Deep Field South region with sensitive radio data
Emma Ryan-WeberUniversity of Melbourne Neutral hydrogen in galaxies and the intergalactic medium


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Hayley BignallUniversity of Adelaide Radio variability and interstellar scintillation of blazars
University of Adelaide Detection of magnetic fields and diffuse radio emission in Abell 3667 and other rich Southern clusters of Galaxies
Martin AndersonUniversity of Western Sydney A radio survey of selected fields from the ROSAT all sky survey
Boris BabicUniversity of Queensland Mass distribution in rich clusters of galaxies
Scott GordonUniversity of Queensland Radio studies of Southern interacting galaxies
Paul RobertsUniversity of Sydney Components for wide bandwidth signal processing in radio astronomy


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Jasmina LazendicUniversity of Sydney Molecular diagnostic of supernova remnant shocks
Christian BruensUniversity of Bonn The gaseous arms of the Magellanic system and other high-velocity clouds
David LeggeUniversity of Tasmania Accurate astrometry of Southern Pulsars
Maria HuntUniversity of Western Sydney Molecular spectral line observations of Southern Molecular Clouds
Vivienne WheatonUniversity of Sydney Hydrodynamical models and an investigation into radio emission from SNR 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Sebastian JuraszekUniversity of Sydney A study of galaxies behind the milky way
Virginia KilbornUniversity of Melbourne The large-scale distribution of neutral hydrogen in the local universe
Robert MinchinUniversity of Wales, Cardiff Properties of galaxies in a deep blind neutral hydrogen survey
Thu Hoang NgocUniversity of New South Wales Where is the Eye of the Tornado Nebula?
Ruisheng PengUniversity of New South Wales Southern molecular clouds at CH3OH 20r3-1E transition
Daniel Sheppard Andrew Lyne
University of Manchester
Richard Manchester 
Nina WangUrumqi Astronomical Observatory, China Pulsar timing and scintillation studies


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Kate BrooksUniversity of New South Wales An investigation of the Carina Nebula
Mary PutmanAustralian National University Mapping the Galaxy’s neutral hydrogen halo
David RaynerUniversity of Tasmania Circular polarisation of active galaxies
Jagmit SandhuCaltech High precision timing of millisecond pulsars
Niven TaskerUniversity of Macquarie Identifications from the PMN Southern Survey


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
David AbbottUniversity of Sydney Correcting atmospheric distortion in short-wavelength radio observations from tropospheric water-vapour soundings
Richard GoochUniversity of Sydney Advanced visualisation techniques to handle astronomical data cubes and images
Bryan GaenslerUniversity of Sydney Barrels, jets and smoke-rings: understanding the bizarre shapes of radio supernova remnants


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Gareth BanksUniversity of Wales 21cm blind searches for galaxies
University of Sydney The study of intraday variability of extragalactic compact radio sources
Alan McPhailUniversity of Macquarie Non-linear iterative image reconstruction techniques for images with well known point-spread function
Snezana StanimirovicUniversity of Western Sydney Complex nature of the ISM in the SMC
Marc ElmouttieUniversity of Queensland A multi-frequency investigation of the nuclear activity in the Circinus galaxy
Mark BransfordUniversity of Melbourne Star formation in collisional ring galaxies and the circumnuclear regions of active galactic nuclei
Sungeun KimAustralian National University An HI aperture synthesis mosaic and Halpha survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud
David BarnesUniversity of Melbourne Neutral hydrogen in the nearby universe
Chris PhillipsUniversity of Tasmania Class II Methanol masers and their environment at high resolution
Edward KingUniversity of Tasmania Compact structure in Southern Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources
Derek McKayUniversity of New South Wales Pointing-techniques for radio telescopes
Sally HoughtonUniversity of New South Wales A study of some southern spirals: Goldilocks and the Three Bars
Isabella PrandoniBologna ATESP survey


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Jim LovellUniversity of Tasmania Southern radio gravitational lens survey and observations
Wilfred WalshUniversity of New South Wales Studies of dwarf galaxies and missing dark matter
Brett WellsAustralian National UniversityRon EkersThe far infrared to radio continuum correlation for nearby star forming galaxies
Ben StappersAustralian National University Observations of eclipsing and binary pulsars
Thomas TaurisAarhus University Formation and evolution of binary millisecond pulsars


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
A. Roy Duncan Keith Jones
University of Queensland
Ron StewartLarge-scale radio structure in the Southern galaxy at 2.4GHz
Simon Ellingsen Peter McCulloch
University of Tasmania
Ray NorrisClass II Methanol Masers in Star Formation Regions
Miroslav Filipovic Graeme L White
University of Western Sydney
Raymond HaynesA Multi-Frequency Investigation of Discrete Sources in the Magellanic Clouds
Steven Tingay Geoffrey Bicknell
Australian National University
David JaunceyParsec and Sub-Parsec-Scale Structure and Evolution in Nearby Compact Radio Sources and Relationships to Emission at other Wavelengths


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Jonathon BellAustralian National UniversityRichard ManchesterBinary and millisecond radio pulsars
Matthias EhleUniversity of Bonn Characteristics of the diffuse interstellar medium of the nearby galaxies M51, M83, and NGC 1566 – based on X-ray and radiocontinuum observations
Haida LiangAustralian National UniversityRon EkersDistribution of matter in clusters of galaxies
Martin OttUniversity of Bonn, Germany Atomic and molecular gas in the starburst galaxy NGC 4945


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Alan RoyUniversity of Sydney Active galaxy unification: radio and far-infrared studies
Clive RobinsonUniversity of Manchester Pulsars and globular clusters
Duncan LorimerUniversity of Manchester The galactic population of millisecond and normal pulsars
Andrew GrayUniversity of SydneyRon EkersRadio observations of sources near the galactic centre


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Vicki KaspiPrinceton University Applications of pulsar timing


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Simon JohnstonUniversity of Manchester A high frequency survey of the southern galactic plane for pulsars


StudentUniversity SupervisorCSIRO co-supervisorProject title
Matthew BailesAustralian National University The origin of pulsar velocities
Norbert JunkesUniversity of Bonn CO-Shells, HI-Holes and Protostars. Evolution of supernova remnants in the interstellar medium