The ASKAP Update for January includes reports on survey progress over the holidays, recent publications arising from ASKAP data, and plans for 2025. The main goal for 2025 is to develop, verify and deploy sky-model calibration as a standard mode of operation. This should increase ASKAP’s survey efficiency and improve data quality. Work on constructing the RACS (Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey) sky model continues in parallel with software tool development for pipeline integration.
The image above (from the January ASKAP Update) is a Continuum Stokes I (total intensity) image cutout from a 15-minute RACS observation showing the ultra-long period transient source ASKAP J183950.5−075635.0 as first discovered. The blue circle highlights the location of the source, which is about 1 degree from the Galactic plane. (Image credit: Aidan Hotan)