The ASKAP Update (previously, the ASKAP Commissioning Update) is a regular newsletter reporting on activities of interest to the astronomical community including the progress of ASKAP surveys, new results, activities, challenges, and releases of new software.

To receive each new edition, please e-mail ASKAP request with the word ‘subscribe’ as the message body.

January 2025 [0.27MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress over the holidays, recent publications arising from ASKAP data, and plans for 2025.

December 2024 [0.21MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress and plans for continued observations across the end of 2024 and into 2025.

November 2024 [0.24MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, mid-band observing priority, the next call for ATNF observing proposals and ASKAP’s presence at the Perth Astrofest.

October 2024 [0.28MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, the return of Nyarluwarri (ak30) to the array, the use of RACS-based self-calibration and a new observing mode designed to study Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) events.

September 2024 [0.18MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, unexpected CASDA downtime and resumption of long-track spectral line observations.

August 2024 [0.33MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, supercomputer maintenance, a new project aimed at improving ASKAP’s development capacity and ASKAP’s impact at the IAU General Assembly.

July 2024 [0.50MB PDF]
This month we highlight progress on the new ASKAPsoft bright source subtraction feature and plans for an ASKAP symposium in November 2024.

June 2024 [0.38MB PDF]
This month we report on key feedback from the Survey Science Project review workshop and completion of RACS-high processing.

May 2024 [0.25MB PDF]
This month we report on plans to improve ASKAP’s processing efficiency and outline the goals of an upcoming Survey Science Project review workshop.

April 2024 [0.21MB PDF]
This month we report on the status of survey operations, a new round of Guest Science Projects, the recent ATUC open session and ongoing issues with filesystems.

March 2024 [0.21MB PDF]
This month we report on the status of CASDA, progress of survey operations (including a fun milestone) and plans for future ASKAP upgrades.

February 2024 [0.21MB PDF]
This month we report on the status of CASDA, resumption of survey operations, plans for ongoing development, and a first look at the RACS-low3 noise map.

January 2024 [0.21MB PDF]
This month we report on activities during the holidays, our current status, and plans to resume full survey operations.

December 2023 [0.22MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, the status of ASKAP’s processing backlog and plans for the new year.

November 2023 [0.21MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, the latest ASKAPsoft pipeline software release and plans to improve ASKAP’s astrometry.

October 2023 [0.21MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, ingest cluster maintenance, the latest CASDA release and several new science data processing software features.

September 2023 [0.28MB PDF]
This month we report on survey progress, maintenance activities, proposed data validation assignment changes, and polarisation calibration investigations.

August 2023 [0.32MB PDF]
This month we report on maintenance activities and some of the interesting features found during data validation efforts.

July 2023 [0.19MB PDF]
This month we report on survey operations, maintenance activities, data quality and the SMART Observatory Project designed to characterise ASKAP’s RFI environment.

June 2023 [0.28MB PDF]
This month we report on the status of ongoing survey operations, VAST scheduling, development priorities and the first RACS-mid data release.

May 2023 [0.2MB PDF]
This month we report on the resumption of survey operations, plans for a dedicated RFI environment survey, and the call for ASKAP guest science proposals

April 2023 [0.2MB PDF]
This month we describe plans to resume survey operations and assess the performance of Setonix as the new data processing platform.

March 2023 [0.2MB PDF]
This month we describe further holography workflow improvements, ongoing efforts to migrate processing to Setonix, and CRACO firmware tests.

February 2023 [0.2MB PDF]
This month we report on survey data processing and validation, ongoing efforts to migrate processing to Setonix, and development activities.

January 2023 [0.2MB PDF]
In this first edition for 2023 we report our experience with automated operations during the holiday period and plans for ongoing survey operations in 2023.

December 2022 [0.16MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss the outcome of ASKAP’s first full survey trial and plans for continuing to expand survey operations.

November 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss the impending start of ASKAP’s first full survey trial.

October 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss planning and development for the full survey trial in November, and progress on Pilot Surveys Phase II.

September 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss plans for a full survey trial and progress on Pilot Surveys Phase II.

August 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss ongoing ASKAPsoft commissioning on Setonix, readiness for full surveys and the latest thoughts on a possible timeline.

July 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss the first ASKAP images from Setonix, the call for full survey field specifications, ongoing consolidation efforts, and ASKAP at the ASA.

June 2022 [0.31MB PDF]
In this issue we report on calibration problems identified during the two Pilot Surveys, and plans for follow-up test observations to address these, with updates on Setonix commissioning and on the RACS survey.

May 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss In this issue we discuss consolidation workshops, the CRAFT Coherent upgrade project (CRACO) development, and the RACS busy week.

April 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss the outcomes of the Review of ASKAP Survey Science Proposals, plans for consolidation work, Pilot Surveys Phase II and RACS.

March 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we focus on preparation for full scale testing on Setonix Phase I. We also report on RACS and Pilot Surveys Phase II progress.

February 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we describe the timeline for migration of CASDA to new hardware and announce the return of an upgraded Observation Management Portal. We also report on RACS and Pilot Surveys Phase II progress.

January 2022 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we describe plans for the ASKAP Science Forum in 2022, the status of Pilot Surveys Phase II, commencement of RACS high-band observations and plans for the Review of ASKAP Survey Science Projects.

November 2021 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we describe preparations for 2022, including a 5-year survey program. We report on Pilot Survey Phase II progress, plans for holiday observatory operations, and finding a bug in the ASKAP processing pipeline.

October 2021 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the MRO control system server upgrade, Pilot Survey Phase II progress, and validation of SWAG-X observatory project data.

September 2021 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the latest off-axis polarisation leakage calibration improvements, SWAG-X data validation and Pilot Survey Phase II progress.

August 2021 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the VAST team’s progress into phase II as well as the status of phase II overall. The call for revised survey science proposals is outlined and details of the proposal review is included.

Issue 51, July 2021 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the POSSUM team’s efforts to verify ASKAP’s off-axis polarisation leakage calibration method, the first images from the RACS mid-band survey and other recent updates.

June 2021 [0.4MB PDF]
In this issue we report on work to improve ASKAP’s digital firmware, Pilot Survey Phase II quality gate processing, CASDA updates due this month, and finally highlight the latest work on holography primary beam correction.

May 2021 [0.3MB PDF]
In this issue we report on factors impacting the time scale of Pilot Surveys Phase II, the latest improvements to ASKAPsoft, continuum image quality and CASDA commensality.

April 2021 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we report the commencement of quality gate observations for Pilot Surveys Phase II and provide an update on processing priorities. We also give an update on the impact of tropical cyclone Seroja.

March 2021 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss the challenges and benefits of commensal observing, report on the latest technical test progress and provide updated information on data processing for Pilot Surveys Phase I.

February 2021 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we describe the latest plans for technical test observations and progress towards some of the key development goals required for Pilot Surveys Phase II.

January 2021 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue, the first for 2021, we give an update on Observatory projects, Pilot Surveys Phase I processing, and Pilot Surveys Phase II preparation.

November 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue, the last for 2020, we review the year, give updates on consolidation development and Pilot Surveys Phase II, and describe plans for the holiday period.

October 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we celebrate the SWAG-X continuum data release, provide an update on development work, and look forward to Pilot Surveys Phase II.

September 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report the resumption of telescope operations, outcomes from the community workshop to plan Pilot Surveys Phase II and an impending upgrade for the ASKAP ingest cluster at Pawsey.

August 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we describe planning for Pilot Surveys Phase II, give an update on RACS — the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey, and describe the central building fire suppression system.

July 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we describe new features available in the latest update to ASKAP’s science data archive. We also report on improvements to ASKAPsoft and the ASKAPpipeline that have been prioritised due to pilot survey phase I feedback.

June 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report development activities during the first month of post-Pilot consolidation time, provide an update on processing of Pilot Survey Phase I data and the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey.

May 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this landmark issue we report completion of all pilot survey phase I observations, release of WALLABY and upload of VAST pilot survey data, and plans for a second phase of pilot surveys to commence late this year.

April 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss contingency plans associated with COVID-19, including the need to conclude pilot survey observations as soon as possible. We also provide an update on recent development activity and system improvements.

March 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss progress on pilot surveys, plans for improved data processing workflows, plans for a coherent fast transient detection system and an extended period of testing to narrow down the cause of low-level correlator data loss.

February 2020 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss progress on pilot survey observations and plans for development of telescope features this year.

December 2019 [0.18MB PDF]
In this issue we wrap up ASKAP’s first year of operations, describing progress on pilot surveys, system development and plans for next year.

November 2019 [0.3MB PDF]
This issue includes updates on the ASKAP Pilot Surveys, the RACS survey, searches for counterparts to LIGO events, the eROSITA collaboration, the OzSKA 2019 meeting, ASKAP-X, and the new disk storage buffer for ASKAP data capture and processing.

October 2019 [0.2MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the availability of a new disk storage buffer for ASKAP data capture and processing, progress on pilot surveys and the first detection of a Fast Radio Burst in commensal mode during an EMU pilot observation.

September 2019 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report on ASKAP pilot survey observing and data processing, outcomes from a busy week aimed at planning the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey data release and preparations for the first ASKAP-X project planning session.

August 2019 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the commencement of ASKAP pilot surveys, processing and quality control for the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey and a new project structure for development and improvements to ASKAP over the next three years.

July 2019 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report early results from imaging the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS). We also describe the latest data release on CASDA and improvements to spectral index measurements derived from Taylor term imaging in ASKAPsoft.

June 2019 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the public release of data from the first science test field observed with the full ASKAP array. We also discuss the planning process for pilot surveys and the criteria for determining when they will begin.

May 2019 [0.5MB PDF] 
In this issue we report on the first iteration of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey, designed to provide a new reference catalogue for radio sources in the Southern hemisphere. We also discuss the progress of test observations for pilot surveys.

April 2019 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we present the first single-beam image made with the full ASKAP array and introduce a set of milestones on the path to beginning survey operations.

March 2019 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report successful integration of the last 8 antennas into ASKAP. We have now obtained fringes to all 36 antennas and are conducting test observations with the full array before commencing pilot surveys.

February 2019 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report successful tests of fringe tracking per beam and frequency zoom modes. We also describe the first synchronisation of ASKAP’s digital electronics across the full array and discuss plans to integrate the last 8 antennas.

November 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we discuss integration of the final two control system features required for Array Release 3 and pilot surveys: fringe tracking per beam and frequency zooms. We also describe the first in a series of large-scale science data processing readiness tests.

October 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report on the installation of the final hardware components needed to complete ASKAP’s 36 antennas. We also describe recent antenna performance tests, observations with the 28-antenna array and preparations for pilot surveys in 2019

September 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report investigations into alternative beam-forming reference sources and ongoing efforts to release images from the first cosmology survey attempt.

August 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report the successful integration of 12 additional antennas into ASKAP, for a total of 28. Since this exceeds the requirements for array release 3, we also discuss how a larger array will change the format of early science phase two.

July 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we describe observations designed to measure system performance parameters in advance of pilot survey planning. We also give an update on the work required to complete array release 3.

June 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we present the first image of a calibrator source in the highest ASKAP frequency band. We also demonstrate improved holography measurements of primary beam shapes following a productive ACES busy week.

May 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report the successful validation of ASKAP’s new fringe tracking system and describe the remaining work required to integrate it into the telescope. We also report on the progress of commissioning the on-dish calibration system and additions to the beam weights service.

April 2018  [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report on recent tests of ASKAP’s new fringe tracking system using astronomical observations. We also describe several changes to the structure of the ASKAP commissioning team and how our operations staff will soon be more actively involved in early science

March 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
This issue describes improvements that will be made to ensure optimal fixed-point precision is maintained throughout the digital signal path. We also outline several topics for discussion at the upcoming early science forum and SST PI meetings.

February 2018 [0.5MB PDF]
This issue confirms that: source positions are now consistent with existing catalogues; gives a progress report on fringe rotator testing; announces the commencement of an EMU pilot survey; and describes a new storm monitoring system for the MRO.​

December 2017 [0.5MB PDF]
This issue describes the likely origin of source position offsets that have impacted existing early science images. In addition, we report progress on commissioning the centralised fringe rotation system and plans for observing over the holiday period.​

November 2017 [0.5MB PDF]
In this issue we report on a breakthrough in data capture at Pawsey that has allowed routine operations with 16 antennas. In addition, we take a close look at the beam weights software framework that was recently deployed.​

October 2017 [0.5MB PDF]
This issue details the work required to support operations beyond early science with more than 12 antennas. This includes updates to the fringe rotator control system and implementation of ASKAP’s real-time calibration service.​

September 2017 [0.5MB PDF]
This issue describes some recent changes made to ASKAP’s digital firmware in response to issues identified during commissioning, which will also improve the stability of the data acquistion system.

July 2017 [0.5MB PDF]
This issue describes some of the preparatory work leading up to the first early science data release, along with several of the outstanding issues related to calibration and imaging.

June 2017 [0.52MB PDF]
We resume the series of short ASKAP commissioning updates with a discussion of ongoing correlator stability improvements, on-dish calibration system commissioning and work on the antenna drive systems.    

November 2015 [1.1MB PDF]
Edition #8 resumes the series after a 15-month gap; its purpose is to inform the community about the recent advances in technical understanding of ASKAP’s operation and performance, and includes a summary of all the Technical Memoranda that have been prepared since commissioning began.

July 2014 [3.0MB PDF]
Edition #7 features all the latest results from commissioning of the six-antenna ASKAP test array, BETA (Boolardy Engineering Test Array), including simultaneous pulsar monitoring and galaxy mapping, HI velocity fields of nearby galaxies, and investigation of the polarisation response of the array.

April 2014 [2.0MB PDF]
Edition #6 includes milestones achieved during ASKAP BETA commissioning, such as the first spectral line image and data cube produced following the successful reconfiguration of the BETA hardware correlator at the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory (MRO).

November 2013 [165kB PDF]
Edition #5 includes the first updates on ASKAP BETA commissioning, the ASKAP Design Enhancements (ADE) program, ASKAP Early Science planning, RFI mitigation with Phased Array Feeds and the ASKAP Working Group.

September 2013 [350kB PDF]
Edition #4 includes the first nine-beam image demonstrated by three ASKAP PAFs and hardware correlator at the MRO, the installation of all six ‘BETA’ (MkI) PAFs, the construction of the first full-size prototype MkII PAF, the ASKAP Early Science workshop and ASKAP Outreach activities.

July 2013 [1.0MB PDF]
Edition #3 includes a survey of the Galactic Centre using an ASKAP phased array feed, phase Closure with the ASKAP Correlator, on-dish Tsys/efficiency measurement for Mk I Phased Array Feed, progress on ASKAP (Mk II) Phased Array Feeds, and a summary of workshop on ‘RFI and its impact on the new generation of HI spectral-line surveys’.

June 2013 [0.5MB PDF]
The second edition includes the first ASKAP multi-beam continuum image, and investigation of beam shapes, progress on the hardware correlator testing, and summaries of upcoming commissioning activities and an ASKAP survey science team co-ordination and management meeting.

April 2013 [0.7MB PDF]
This first edition of the ASKAP Commissioning Update includes an update on BETA commissioning, a summary of Phased Array Feed testing and an announcement of the next ASKAP survey science team meeting.

ASKAP is an SKA-precursor telescope situated at Inyarrimanha Ilgari Bundara, the Murchison Radio-astronomy Observatory in Western Australia. We acknowledge the Wajarri Yamaji as the Traditional Owners and native title holders of the observatory site. 

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