Images of the bent-lobe radio galaxy PKS J0816-7039 from the RACS-high (left), RACS-mid (middle) and RACS-Low (right) surveys. (From Duchesne et al. 2025.)

Duchesne et al. describe the third major epoch of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) at 1655.5 MHz, “RACS-high”, and the subsequent imaging and catalogue data release. From the 1493 images covering the sky up to declination of +48 degrees, a catalogue of 2,677,509 radio sources is presented. The image above shows a cutout of the radio galaxy PKS J0816−7039 from the RACS-high full-sensitivity images alongside the equivalent full-sensitivity cutouts from RACS-mid and RACS-low. The shape of the Point Spread Function for each image is shown as an ellipse in the bottom left of each panel, and the major and minor axes are reported at the top of each panel. The galaxy is located in a galaxy cluster and interactions with the intra-cluster medium are believed to be the cause of the bent radio lobes emanating from the core of the galaxy. All data products from RACS-high, including calibrated visibility datasets, images from individual observations, full-sensitivity mosaics, and the all-sky catalogue are available at the CSIRO ASKAP Science Data Archive.