ASKAP is designed as a wide-field-of-view survey instrument. Details of the nine ASKAP Survey Science Projects are provided on the ASKAP Science webpage. The cryogenically-cooled phased array feed receiver on Murriyang, our Parkes radio telescope will revitalise wide-area single-dish surveys in the Southern hemisphere. The ATCA has carried out large-area surveys at a range of observing frequencies, including the all-Southern-sky 20 GHz survey and the GLASS Legacy survey at 5.5 and 9.5 GHz.


ASKAPASKAP is designed for wide-field-of-view surveys between 700 MHz and 1.8 GHz. The primary science surveys produce data products that are available within CASDA and cover continuum, spectral line and transient surveys. Guest science project time allocation is available for smaller-scale surveys.
ATCAATCA has carried out wide-area surveys at a range of observing frequencies. We provide below details of GLASS (5.5 and 9.5 GHz), QUOCKA (cm-wavelength) and the AT20G (20 GHz) surveys. The ATCA has the capability for spectral line and continuum synthesis imaging surveys.
MurriyangMurriyang provides high surface brightness sensitivity for mapping diffuse matter. Wide area pulsar, continuum and spectral line surveys have been carried out at a range of frequencies using a 70cm receiver, through the era of the multi beam receivers to the cryogenically-cooled phased array system. Even the single-pixel wide-band receivers can be used with the PEGASUS project currently surveying the entire Southern sky with the ultra-wide bandwidth low-frequency receiver.
LBABecause of the high angular resolution, the LBA is not commonly used for wide-area surveys. However, the LBA is used to follow-up, monitor and characterise the sources discovered using the other facilities.


HI Parkes All Sky Survey

Continuum HIPASS

The AT20G Survey is a blind 20 GHz survey of the entire southern sky

The Parkes Galactic All Sky Survey (GASS) is a survey of the atomic hydrogen (HI) emission in the Milky Way for the entire sky south of a declination of +1deg

The S-band Polrisation All Sky Survey (S-PASS) mapped the polarised emission at 2.3 GHz of the entire southern sky

ASKAP Surveys

Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey

Widefield ASKAP L-Band Legacy All-Sky Blind Survey

Evolutionary Map of the Universe

Polarization Sky Survey of the Universe’s Magnetism

The Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients survey

Deep Investigations of Neutral Gas Origins

The First Large Absorption Survey in HI

The Galactic ASKAP Spectral Line Survey

An ASKAP Survey for Variables and Slow Transients