All our facilities have carried out wide-area surveys for extra-Galactic radio sources with both spectral line and continuum data products. Continuing such surveys in the 700 MHz to 1.8 GHz frequency bands is a primary goal of ASKAP with its wide field of view and radio quiet site. The ATNF facilities offer high-resolution imaging capabilities allowing the study of the morphology of galaxies and AGN. This includes observing jets and outflows from supermassive black holes at the centres of AGN. The spectral line observations trace star formation in the outer discs of galaxies and allow the modelling of a galaxy’s mass distribution. Observing distant galaxies also provides the means to probe the intergalactic medium.


ASKAPSituated on a radio quiet site, ASKAP is an ideal survey instrument for discovering and studying galaxies between 700 MHz and 1.8 GHz. The data products from the current surveys are available in CASDA and specific sky regions can be surveyed through Guest Science time allocation.
ATCAWide-area surveys have been used to discover galaxies in different frequency bands and to study their source populations. ATCA provides frequency coverage from 1 to 105 GHz, with flexible array configurations and polarisation information.
MurriyangAs a single-dish, Murriyang alone provides low-resolution mapping of galaxies. The backend instrumentation allows for spectral line observations of redshifted galaxies with the HIPASS survey covering the entire sky.
LBAProvides localisation and high-resolution imaging of galaxies, in particular the structure and evolution of parsec-scale jets in Active Galactic Nuclei.


The AT20G Survey is a blind 20 GHz survey of the entire southern sky with |b|>1.5°. Observations were carried out using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) from 2004-2008.

HI Parkes All Sky Survey

QU Observations at Cm wavelength with Km baselines using ATCA

The GAMA Legacy ATCA Southern Survey

The First Large Absorption Survey in HI

Deep Investigations of Neutral Gas Origins

Evolutionary Map of the Universe

Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey

Widefield ASKAP L-Band Legacy All-Sky Blind Survey

Survey With ASKAP of GAMA-09 + X-ray