The AT20G Survey

The AT20G Survey is a blind 20 GHz survey of the entire southern sky with |b|>1.5°. Observations were carried out using the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) from 2004-2008. The final AT20G catalogue consists of 5,890 sources above a 20 GHz flux density limit of 40 mJy and includes near-simultaneous observations at 4.8 and 8.6 GHz for most sources south of -15°.

A full description of the survey and resulting catalogue is presented in the source catalogue paper: Murphy, T. et al. 2010, MNRAS, 402, 2403. A detailed analysis of the AT20G sample is presented in Massardi, M. et al., 2011, MNRAS, 412, 318.

The distribution of sources, divided into 20 GHz flux bins. The empty patches near the equator at approximately 18 hrs are due to poor weather during the observations.

Data Catalogues

The AT20G catalogue

Version 1 of the AT20G catalogue was made publicly available on the 3rd of November, 2009. A description of the catalogue format can be found here. The survey strategy, observations and results can be found in Murphy, T. et al. 2010, MNRAS, 402, 2403. while a more detailed analysis of the sample is presented in Massardi, M. et al., 2011, MNRAS, 412, 318.

The AT20G Bright Source Sample

Comprises 320 of the brightest (20 GHz flux above 500 mJy) AT20G sources south of -15 degrees. The AT20G-BSS catalogue is described in detail in Massardi et al., 2008 MNRAS, 384, 775.

Optical properties of AT20G sources

Optical identifications were found by cross-matching the AT20G survey with the SuperCOSMOS database. Using the optical positions, redshifts were found from either the literature, the 6dF Galaxy Survey or additional spectroscopic observations carried out on a range of telescopes including the ANU 2.3m telescope, ESO’s New Technology Telescope (NTT) or Gemini-South. The AT20G-optical catalogue is presented in Mahony E.K. et al., 2011, MNRAS, 417, 2651.

AT20G-1FGL (1 year Fermi-LAT catalogue) matches

Crossmatching the AT20G survey with the 1st-year data release of the Fermi-LAT point source catalogue (1FGL, Abdo et al., 2010, ApJS, 188, 405) resulted in 240 identifications, corresponding to 43% of the extragalactic, southern Fermi sources. The AT20G-1FGL catalogue presented in Mahony E.K. et al., 2010, ApJ, 718, 587.




  • Ron Ekers (ATNF, PI)
  • Sarah Burke-Spolaor (ATNF, Swinburne), now at JPL
  • Mark Calabretta (ATNF)
  • Rajan Chhetri (UNSW)
  • Gianfranco De Zotti (INAF-OAPD)
  • Paul Hancock (U Sydney)
  • Carole Jackson (ATNF)
  • Michael Kesteven (ATNF)
  • Elizabeth Mahony (U Sydney, ATNF)
  • Marcella Massardi (INAF-OAPD), now at INAF-IRA, Bologna
  • Tara Murphy (U Sydney)
  • Katherine Newton-McGee (U Sydney)
  • Chris Phillips (ATNF)
  • Roberto Ricci (U Calgary), now at INAF-IRA, Bologna
  • Elaine Sadler (U Sydney)
  • Lister Staveley-Smith (UWA)
  • Ravi Subrahmanyan (Raman Research Institute)
  • Mark Walker (Manly Astrophysics)
  • Warwick Wilson (ATNF)

Associate members

  • Martin Cohen (UC Berkeley)
  • Bruce Partridge (Haverford)
  • Jasper Wall (UBC)
  • David McConnell (ATNF)