Space and Astronomy Student Program: current students

Student S&A supervisor University supervisor University Project title Start date

Albany Asher

Nithyanandan Thyagarajan Luke Barnes Western Sydney University Testing general relativity with cosmic magnification 2023

Nina Averill

George Hobbs
Ken Smart
Melrose Brown University of New South Wales, Canberra ADFA Radio Pulsar Navigation for ground-based applications 2023

Tim Bateman

Ken Smart
Stephanie Smith
Melrose Brown University of New South Wales, Canberra Utilising the Mopra 22m for Passive RF Space Domain Awareness at Cislunar distances 2024

Sarah Bradbury

Alec Thomson Craig Anderson Australian National University A Broadband Polarimetric Study of the Magnetoionic Media in Circumgalactic and Group Environments 2023

Elizabeth(Beth) Cappellazzo

Elizabeth Mahony Joanne Dawson
Mark Wardle
Macquarie University Surveying Interactions between HII regions and their Natal Molecular Clouds 2024

Aman Chokshi

Daniel Mitchell Rachel Webster University of Melbourne Improving MWA Epoch of Reionization limits 2020

Zhaoqi (Daniel) Cui

Maral Ansari Peiyuan Qin University of Technology Sydney Steerable Multi-beam Antennas for LEO Communication 2023

Tayla Dahms

Stephanie Smith

Graham Brodie
Mohan Jacob

James Cook University Advanced manufacturing of Antennas and Microwave Components for Radio Astronomy and Space Applications 2021

Tyson Dial

Keith Bannister Adam Deller Swinburne University of Technology Searching for Fast Radio burst with ASKAP 2023

Valentina Di Marco

Andrew Zic Eric Thrane Monash University Guarding against model misspecification in nanohertz gravitational-wave astronomy 2022

Jasper Edwards

Mark Cheung
John Morgan
Guifre Molera Calves University of Tasmania Deep-Space Weather: Improving protection of critical space infrastructure 2022

Joe Grundy

Ivy Wong Nick Seymour 
Karen Lee-Waddell
Curtin University Radio Continuum Emission of nearby Star-forming Galaxies 2021

Ashna Gulati

Emil Lenc Tara Murphy University of Sydney Radio Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Events 2022

Lucas Hoefs

Nithyanandan Thyagarajan Nithyanandan Thyagarajan Curtin University Exploring Machine Learning techniques to synthesise images from interferometric closure invariants 2024

Bradley Johnson

Maxim Voronkov Simon Ellingsen University of Tasmania The Interstellar Lifecycle 2023

Aditi Kaushik

George Hobbs Joanne Dawson Macquarie University Unravelling the Secrets of Tiny-Scale Atomic Structures with the New Mode on Murriyang, CSIRO's Parkes Radio Telescope 2023

Emily Kerrison

Vanessa Moss Elaine Sadler University of Sydney Connecting X-ray and radio observations of young radio galaxies 2022

Sanja Lazarevic

Phil Edwards Miroslav Filipovic
Shi Dai
Western Sydney University Radio Continuum Component of PeVatrons and Their Environments 2022

Yu Wing Joshua Lee

Keith Bannister Manisha Caleb University of Sydney A Search for Peculiar Radio Transients in the VAST and CRACO surveys 2023

Liroy Lourenco

Aaron Chippendale Tara Murphy University of Sydney Radio Frequency Interference mitigation for Astronomy with Phased Array Feeds 2021

Peter Macgregor

Baerbel Koribalski Ray Norris,
Miroslav Filipovic
Western Sydney University Investigating Odd Radio Circles (ORCs) 2021

Silvia Mantovanini

Timothy Galvin
Stefan Duchesne
Natasha Hurley-Walker Curtin University Searching for Supernova Remnants with the Murchison Widefield Array 2024

Macon Magno

Ivy Wong Krista Lynne Smith Texas A&M University Census of Radio Quiet Supermassive Black Holes and Their Effect on Galaxy Evolution 2023

Rami Mandow

Andrew Zic Joanne Dawson Macquarie University The Long-Term Stability of Millisecond Pulsars 2023

Lachlan Marnoch

Elizabeth Mahony Joanne Dawson Macquarie University Fast Radio Bursts as Cosmological Probes 2021

Tommy Marshman

George Hobbs Joanne Dawson
Mark Wardle
Macquarie University Baade’s Window Survey and RFI 2020

Saurav Mishra

Andrew Zic Daniel Reardon
Matthew Bailes
Swinburne University of Technology Searching for and Timing the Pulsars 2024

Tamsyn O'Beirne

Ivy Wong Virginia Kilborn Swinburne University of Technology Exploring the Impact of Environment on Galaxy Evolution 2024

Thomas Riddell

Shinji Horiuchi Edwin Peters
Ed Kruzins
University of New South Wales
Canberra, ADFA
Near Earth Asteroid Analysis with Bistatic Radar Methods  2024

Kovi Rose

George Heald Tara Murphy University of Sydney A Search for Unusual Radio Transients with ASKAP/VAST 2023

Mradumay Sadh

George Hobbs Joanne Dawson Macquarie University

OH what a lovely molecule: using hydroxyl (OH) to seek the Milky Way's Hidden gas


Manasvee Saraf

Ivy Wong Luca Costese University of Western Australia Galaxy Evolution in Norma Cluster 2021

Kavya Shaji

Elizabeth Mahony Manisha Caleb
Tara Murphy
University of Sydney Unravelling Fast Radio Burst Progenitors Through Studies of Repetition and Associated Persistent Radio Emission 2024

Xi Shao

Phil Edwards Ming Feng Gu Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, CAS An environmental census of black hole activity and star formation 2022

Himanshu Tiwari

Nithyanandan Thyagarajan Cathryn Trott Curtin University Radio Interferometric Tools to Study the Early Universe 2022

Brandon Venville

Tim Galvin Natasha Hurley-Walker Curtin University Cosmological measurements with the GLEAM-X survey 2023

Angelica Waszewski

Mark Cheung Ramesh Bhat Curtin University Interplanetary Scintillation Observations of the Solar Wind with the Murchison Widefield Array 2023

Simon Weng

Elizabeth Mahony Elaine Sadler University of Sydney Multi-phase Gas in and around Galaxies at Intermediate Redshift 2021

Xuan Yang

George Hobbs Xuefeng Wu University of Science and Technology of China Detecting Radio Transients using Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms 2022

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Page last update: 15-Jul-2024 LE


