The ATNF owns and operates a substantial collection of Research IT infrastructure at its Observatories and its Marsfield headquarters. This hardware is managed by the ATNF Computing Infrastructure Team (CI) led by Shaun Amy.
The CI Team works closely with CSIRO’s Information Management and Technology (IM&T) team who manage CSIRO’s Enterprise IT infrastructure across the whole of CSIRO.
The CI team ensures that the dedicated hardware systems required for our telescopes deliver the high performance required, are kept up to date and operate reliably. In many cases this hardware comprises Linux servers, but also more exotic forms of computer hardware as the purpose requires. The CI team, in conjunction with IM&T, manages the high speed networking within and between our sites.
The CI team also manages ATNF staff laptops and desktops, and assists staff and visitors with installing and maintaining scientific computing packages on their devices, and more generally with any computing-related problems where they can assist.
Observers using the ATCA, Parkes or the LBA will need an ATNF Unix account to gain access to the Observing Portals and Unix hosts used for data processing. Follow this link to Request an ATNF Unix computer account .