Online tools

OPALOPAL is the ATNF on-line proposal application system. It also provides access to previously submitted proposals and to the cover sheets for proposals submitted from 2006 APRS onwards.
ATCA SCHEDInformation about the ATCA scheduling program, SCHED, and links to several versions of the program.
ATCA Sensitivity CalculatorEstimates the sensitivity and other characteristics of an ATCA observation.
ATCA Calibrator SearchSearches for calibrators and provides information on their properties.
ATCA Frequency CalculatorDetermines the sky frequency for an ATCA observation.
ATCA Calibrator Cycle Time CalculatorDetermines the length of time needed between successive observations on secondary calibrators.
ATCA VRIThe original Virtual Radio Interferometer (VRI) is no longer supported, however the VRI webpage provide a link to an alternative simulator for the ATCA (and other telescopes) that includes (u,v)-coverage and Fourier Transforms. It lets you simulate various “what-if” scenarios in radio interferometry.
Parkes Sensitivity CalculatorEstimates the theoretical rms noise level for line and continuum observations with the Parkes telescope.
Mopra Schedule Tool for Position SwitchingA tool for creating Mopra schedule files for position switching.
Mopra Schedule Tool for On-the-Fly MappingA tool for creating Mopra schedule files for on-the-fly (OTF) mapping.
Mopra Sensitivity CalculatorEstimates the theoretical rms noise level for line and continuum observations with the Mopra telescope.
Tidbinbilla Sensitivity CalculatorEstimates the theoretical rms noise level for line and continuum observations with the Tidbinbilla 70-m telescope.
VLBI Sensitivity Calculator The EVN Observation Planner includes the LBA antennas and helps determine source visibility and the expected sensitivity and angular resolution.
LinesDetermines the rest frequencies of recombination or molecular/atomic spectral lines within Parkes receiver bandwidths
CoordCalculates the rise and set times of sources for a range of observatories
PlanetsGive the position of the sun, moon or planets at a given site.
Radial VelocitiesCalculates the radial velocity components of an observer’s velocity. Sun etc.
Tools from HEASARCHEASARC tools include a coordinate converter which accepts source names as well as coordinates.
TEMPO2TEMPO2 is a new package that has replaced TEMPO. It has been designed for the new generation of high-precision pulsar timing experiments.

Observers’ Information

Telescope DocumentationTelescope User Guides and other technical documentation.
ATNF Observing Support ModelInformation on the support available to users of the telescopes.
Observing schedulesObserving schedules and DA roster.
Spectral Line Rest FrequenciesA list of spectral rest frequencies between 1.4 GHz and 115.3 GHz.
ATCA Remote Observing GuideGuide to remote observing at the Compact Array
ATCA Shadowing DiagramsShows the shadowing limits for ATCA antennas.
ATCA Array ConfigurationsA list of standard ATCA array Configurations.
ATCA InterferenceRadio frequency interference levels at the ATCA.
Mopra SiO masersA list of SiO masers for Mopra pointing.