The new CSIRO ePublish system has been brought online. With its implementation, CSIRO has made changes to some policies and processes around publications and the ePublish system. To ensure that S&A is in compliance with CSIRO policy, the procedure for entering S&A papers into ePublish has also changed. Below is a guideline to this process.

Timing for entering papers into ePublish

Previously S&A publications were not submitted to ePublish until after publication. All publications are now required to be submitted to the ePublish system prior to publication. If this is not done, a reason for the late submission will need to be entered into ePublish and the Business Unit Director and relevant Program Directors will receive email notification of the late submission.

Submitting a publication to ePublish

  1. Send an email notification to the S&A Publications Officer (amanda.gray [at] and include:
  • a pdf copy of the publication
  • the name of the journal or media outlet that the publication will be submitted to
  • email addresses of all co-authors. An email will be sent via the ePublish system asking them to confirm authorship.
  1. The S&A Publications Officer will then enter the publication into ePublish.
  2. Once the publication has been published, the S&A Publications Officer will complete the ePublish process and transfer the record to the CSIRO Research Publications Repository.


  1. Send an email to all internal and external co-authors asking them to confirm authorship.
  2. Once emails have been received from all co-authors*, send an email notification to the S&A Publications Officer (amanda.gray [at] and include:
  • a pdf copy of the publication
  • the name of the journal or media outlet that the publication will be submitted to
  • a pdf of email responses from co-authors confirming authorship
  1. The S&A Publications Officer will then enter the publication into ePublish.
  2. Once the publication has been published, the S&A Publications Officer will complete the ePublish process and submit the publication to the CSIRO Research Publications Repository.

*If an author does not respond, provide email evidence of attempts at contact

CSIRO co-authors
If you are a co-author of a publication led by a non-CSIRO author, prior to submitting the publication to a journal or media outlet you should:

  1. Send an email notification to the S&A Publications Officer (amanda.gray [at] and include:
  • a pdf copy of the manuscript
  • the name of the journal or media outlet that the publication will be submitted to
  • you should also cc any other CSIRO co-authors so that they know that this step has been completed.
  1. The Publications Officer will contact all CSIRO authors and request contribution statements. Contribution statements must be one or more of the following:
  • Conception or design of the project or output.
  • Acquisition of research data, where the acquisition has required significant intellectual judgement, planning or design.
  • Contribution of knowledge, where justified, including Indigenous knowledge.
  • Analysis and interpretation of research data.
  • Drafting or critically revising significant parts of the manuscript.
  1. The S&A Publications Officer will then enter the publication into ePublish.
  2. Once the publication has been published, the S&A Publications Officer will complete the ePublish process and the record will be transferred to the CSIRO Research Publications Repository .

What goes into ePublish?

Internal approval is mandatory for a range of article types, including scholarly articles, conference publications and client and technical reports, both confidential and non-confidential. The type of publications which are entered into ePublish are:

  • Journal articles
  • Books and book chapters
  • Conference abstracts, posters, presentations and papers
  • Client and technical reports and report chapters
  • Standards, online media, fact sheets and encyclopedia entries.
  • When are internal reviews required?
  • While it is good practice for all CSIRO publications to receive two internal scientific reviews before external publication, the following table provides details of when these reviews are mandatory.

When are internal reviews required?

Types of publicationsAre internal reviews mandatory?
Already publishedNo
CSIRO-led books, reports, conference posters and presentations, and other publication typesYes, 2 are required
CSIRO-led conference abstracts and brief analysis of tests reports
(The exception for abstracts is when conference envelope is selected then 2 are required)
Yes, 1 is required
CSIRO-led publications going to journals, conferences and online media sites which are not peer-reviewedYes, 2 are required
CSIRO-led publications going to peer-reviewed journals, conferences (papers only) and online media sitesNo
Externally-led publicationsNo

Review process

  1. If an internal review is required, prior to submitting your publication to a journal or conference, arrange for an internal review to be conducted.
  2. Keep an email trail of the review and save it as a pdf. Send the pdf of the review to the Publications Officer to attach to the submission in ePublish – see “Submitting a publication to ePublish” above.
  3. The submitting author will be notified as to whether the publication has been approved for external publication or if revisions need to be made.

More information

For more information on publications and ePublish go to or contact Amanda Gray, S&A Publications Officer at (amanda.gray [at]