Advice for National Facility Users
All users of the Australia Telescope National Facility are requested to acknowledge the Australia Telescope National Facility in any publications resulting from use of ATNF facilities. Appropriate Acknowledgement Statements are provided on the ATNF Acknowledgements Page.
Where possible, authors are requested to use one or more terms such as ‘Australia Telescope Compact Array’, ‘Parkes radio telescope’, ‘Mopra radio telescope, ‘ASKAP’ in the ABSTRACT of their papers. This is to facilitate electronic searches for publications.
Please also send publications information, for any publications that include data taken with ATNF facilities, but do not include CSIRO authors, directly to Amanda Gray (Amanda.Gray [at] so that the publications can be recorded internally for reporting purposes.
Additional Advice for CSIRO Affiliates
The publications of authors who are not employed by CSIRO but use a CSIRO affiliation should be entered into the CSIRO Research Publications Repository. Please contact Amanda Gray (amanda.gray [at] for instructions on how to do this.
Additional Advice for Space and Astronomy Staff and Students
CSIRO has a responsibility to maintain the integrity of excellent science, to provide independent, authoritative advice and to respect the confidentiality and intellectual property of others. A formal approval process for CSIRO publications ensures appropriate risk management of intellectual property, commercial value and scientific or other sensitivities. The full CSIRO Authorship and Publications Procedure can be found on (requires CSIRO access).
Within CSIRO, all publications authored by CSIRO staff and students must be:
- submitted to ePublish
- approved by the CSIRO Approver, via the ePublish process, prior to publication or release to a third party
- listed in the CSIRO Research Publications Repository via the ePublish process, to be recognised in formal reporting processes such as organisation reporting and APA/promotion processes.
Please refer to the Entering Publications into ePublish page for information on the ePublish process.
Choice of Journal
Publications can be submitted to any appropriate journal. For astronomers, the most relevant journals are generally PASA, MNRAS, Nature, Science, ApJ, AJ, and A&A. The choice of which journal to use will depend on several factors, including:
- Where other publications in your field tend to be published
- The Journal Impact Parameter – this is a measure of the average number of citations for publications published in the previous two years in a journal. For the most recent values see the ISI Journal citation reports.
- Whether you will need to pay page charges (see below)
- How quickly the publication will be published
- How accessible the journal is in electronic form.
If you have considered these factors and the choice of journal is still unclear, please discuss this with your project manager.
After an astronomy publication has been accepted, it is advisable to put the electronic version of the publication on an external pre-print server such as the arXiv astro-ph. (This is not done through ePublish.) Astro-ph is currently the most widely distributed astrophysics electronic pre-print system. Embargoed publications such as Nature papers should not be placed on electronic servers until after publication.
Page Charges
For S&A Staff:
- If you are first author of a publication you should strongly consider submitting to a journal without page charges – please refer refer to the Open Access Agreement Finder on (requires CSIRO access). If you do need to submit to a journal with page charges you should obtain permission from the appropriate ATNF Program Director and encourage financial contributions from your co-authors.
- If you are a co-author on a publication submitted to a journal with page charges then you can contribute if the total does not exceed $500. For amounts exceeding this, the permission of the appropriate ATNF Program Director should be sought.
For S&A Students
Please consult with the ATNF Student Coordinator (Rob Hollow) who will seek approval from the appropriate ATNF Program Director
Author Affiliation for Staff
CSIRO staff should always give their full affiliation for publications on which they are authors.
For publications that include data taken with ATNF facilities and/or from the ATNF data archives, the term ‘ATNF’ should be given first, as follows (for Marsfield or Kensington staff respectively):
- ATNF, CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, PO Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710, Australia
- ATNF, CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, PO Box 1130, Bentley, WA 6151, Australia
or alternatively, ATNF may be given in full, e.g:
- Australia Telescope National Facility, CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, PO Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710, Australia
For publications that include non-ATNF data taken with the CDSCC (Tidbinbilla) facilities the equivalent format is:
- CDSCC, CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, …
- Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex, CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, …
For publications not using ATNF facilities or archives, the reference to ATNF should be omitted, e.g.:
- CSIRO, Space and Astronomy, PO Box 76, Epping, NSW 1710, Australia
The order of “CSIRO” and “Space and Astronomy” may be dictated by the publication. We treat CSIRO as the equivalent of a university and Space and Astronomy as the equivalent of a department name.
Note that ‘ATNF’ can be included either in full or as an abbreviation, but ‘CSIRO, Space and Astronomy’ should always be written in full with a comma as indicated.
Author Affiliation for Students
Students who are first authors on publications that include data taken with S&A facilities (including ATNF), must have their publications approved prior to submission by their CSIRO supervisor.
Students must put their university affiliation as the first affiliation on the publication. Students are encouraged to also include CSIRO as a secondary affiliation. It is recommended that students who do not list CSIRO as an affiliation in the author list include a footnote on the front page to state that they are affiliated with CSIRO, Space and Astronomy.
Comms Support
If you would like to propose a press release or other media attention associated with your paper, please inform CSIRO Comms as early as possible (preferably more than a month before the paper is accepted) to allow time for consideration of the possibilities. A document of the process developed for ASKAP teams that can apply to the other facilities is the ASKAP Promotion Guidelines (requires CSIRO access).
More information on the Space & Astronomy comms team, as well as helpful resources, can be found here: (requires CSIRO access).
If you are unsure whether there is media potential for your research, the communications team are happy to provide advice.
You are always encouraged to post your own results online via social media (after any relevant embargo period) and to submit entries for the ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture. Inform CSIRO Comms, as it is likely they can share your content on the ATNF Twitter account.
Currently, your CSIRO Comms contact is Rachel Rayner (Marsfield)
CSIRO produces several publications to keep the astronomy community, industry partners and educators informed about the operation of the ATNF and the exciting science conducted with the facility. These include:
- ATNF Annual Reports
- Newsletters including ATNF News, a twice-yearly magazine-style publication