An up-to-date collection of all scientific publications from either our ATNF staff or facilities.

ASKAP Publications

A complete list of refereed publications using or describing ASKAP is maintained here: 

Papers that report the results of observations made with ASKAP antennas or describe the array’s capabilities.

Other ATNF Facility publications

Lists of publications using the ATNF Facilities and/or coauthored by ATNF staff are prepared annually and included in the Annual Report. Papers which include one or more ATNF staff are indicated by an asterisk. In the following lists the follow keys are used:

  • C: includes ATCA data
  • P: includes Parkes data
  • M: include Mopra data
  • T: includes Tidbinbilla data
  • V: includes Long Baseline Array data
  • A: ASKAP data
  • S: SKA-related paper
  • O: Other papers (that include ATNF staff)

Publications by year

Earlier years coming soon