Presentation type requested: ORAL
Yiping Wang
Purple Mountain Observatory, National Astronomical Observatories of China

Based on a joint evolutionary scheme of the black hole growth and the bulge formation, we use the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of AGN and their cosmological evolution which are from ROSAT X-ray surveys to estimate the cosmic star formation history associated with QSO activity. By the basic assumption that the major black hole growth occurs during the luminous AGN phase, XLF traces not only the accretion history of the black holes but also the cosmic star formation history of the spheroids. We show that the total amount of star formation associated with the black hole growth is almost the same as that of LBGs detected in optical surveys. We thus argue that the optical surveys may miss about half of the net star formation in our Universe, due to in part significant dust extinction as well as the small field of view of previous opt. surveys. However, the FIR emission from the dust heated by star formation on-going during the black hole growth could sufficiently account for the observed SCUBA counts. and would be the probable dominating energy source of the SCUBA population.

Yamada Toru , Taniguchi Yoshiaki

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