Marsfield headquarters

The Space and Astronomy (formerly CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science) headquarters is located at CSIRO's Marsfield site in Sydney. We are co-located with some staff from CSIRO's Data61 group.

Work conducted at Marsfield

From this site we manage the facilities that make up the ATNF: the Parkes radio telescope, Australia Telescope Compact Array and Mopra radio telescope. In our labs we design and build much of the technology used on our telescopes, such as receivers and electronic data processing systems. Critical development and project management work for the Australian Square Kilometre Pathfinder (ASKAP), our newest telescope, is also conducted here. From Marsfield our astronomers perform their scientific research using our own telescopes and those of other organisations.

Facilities at Marsfield

The Marsfield site includes:

  • A 90-seat lecture theatre that is regularly used for special presentations, workshops and conferences
  • Several small conference rooms that feature video- and tele-conference facilities
  • Accommodation for short- or long-term visitors
  • A canteen offering hot food, salad bar, cold drinks, tea and coffee, and
  • Car parking.


See the Visitors Guide to the ATNF Headquarters for further information on visiting the Space and Astronomy Marsfield site.
