ATNF Science Program
Welcome to the ATNF Science Program, which is a part of the Space and Astronomy business unit within CSIRO. We lead and enable world-class science using the Australia Telescope National Facility. Here we briefly introduce the group members based in Sydney (ATNF Headquarters, Marsfield), Perth (ARRC Building, Kensington), Parkes, or Narrabri, together with their main research area. Each CSIRO staff member can be reached by email (Firstname.Lastname [at] ).
ATNF Science meetings are held every first Thursday of the month at 13:30 (Sydney time) / 10:30 (Perth summer time) / 11:30 (Perth winter time). Research morning teas, previously held at 10am on Wednesday mornings at the CASS Headquarters in Marsfield have become a virtual cross-country catch-up at 12noon (Sydney) / 9am (Perth summer time) / 10am (Perth winter time). All ATNF Science team members contribute to the Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) in various roles, e.g., as Observing Experts or project scientists. The group publishes an ATNF Daily Astronomy Picture (ADAP) each work-day, which all ATNF staff and users are welcome to contribute to, and results are sometimes posted to the CSIRO_ATNF twitter (or now X) feed.
Publications by Space and Astronomy staff and/or arising from use of ATNF telescopes are listed in ATNF Annual Reports and in listings on our Publications page. Most recent listings can be found on ADS, (e.g., papers based on ATCA, Parkes, Mopra, MWA, and ASKAP observations).
Other important links: Co-supervised PhD Students -- Scientific Visitors Program
ATNF Science Staff |
CSIRO Fellows and emeritus astrophysics staff |
Research interests of other Space and Astronomy Staff |
Past ATNF Students - Past and Present Bolton Fellows - Past ATNF Astrophysics Staff
Last updated: 26-Jul-2024. pge