Presentation type requested: ORAL
Pedro Viana
Centro de Astrofísica da Universidade do Porto

The X-ray Cluster Survey (XCS) is based on the serendipitous detection of galaxy clusters in X-ray images taken by the XMM- Newton satellite. It is expected to yield a catalogue of several hundreds of galaxy clusters per year, with a significant fraction of them with redshifts exceeding 1. We are presently buiding a pipeline to reduce any XMM data files that fall in the public domain, and have begun testing algorithms for the detection of extended sources in XMM images. We expect that by the middle of 2003 we will already have several candidate clusters identified, with maybe a fraction optically confirmed. We also continue producing simulations to determine the extent to which XCS data can be used to constrain cosmological parameters.

Romer Kathy , Liddle Andrew , Mann Robert , Collins Chris , Nichol Robert , West Michael

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