Presentation type requested: ORAL
Keith Grainge
Cavendish Astrophysics

Galaxy cluster surveys provide a sensitive indicator of the growth of structure and the parameters that control it. Conducting such a survey via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect (a secondary anisotropy on the CMB) has many potential advantages. Firstly, the S-Z effect is independent of redshift and so offers the possibility to detect clusters back to the epoch of their formation. Secondly,the flux density of the S-Z effect is closely related to the cluster's mass which is precisely the quantity in which we are interested. Lastly, an S-Z survey will be unbiassed with regards to mass concentrations in the cluster. The Arcminute Microkelvin Imager (AMI) is a dedicated S-Z survey instrument currently under being built in Cambridge. It is an interferometer which operates between 12 - 18 GHz and comprises two seperate arrays: ten 3.7m dishes sensitive to the large scale S-Z effect and eight 13m dishes which are primarily used to remove the contribution of discrete radio sources. The designs of all the RF, IF and mechanical components have now been finalised and construction of the production versions is well underway. Initial surveys will begin in September this year.

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