Presentation type requested: POSTER
Petri Väisänen
European Southern Observatory, Chile

As part of the ISOPHOT Cosmic IR Background (CIRB) project we detected 55 far-IR sources at multiple wavelengths between 90 and 180 microns. We present the initial results from a ground-based optical, near-IR, and radio, imaging and spectroscopy follow-up campaign. The nature of sources comprising the CIRB (even the bright end) is still unclear. We confirm previous indications that a large percentage of these FIR selected sources are fairly local star forming galaxies. The rest are thought to be dusty galaxies in a strongly star-forming phase at higher redshifts. In a recent interesting development other deep ISOPHOT surveys have implied that these more distant galaxies are cold objects at redshifts z<1, in contrast to model expectations which typically put them at z=1-2 with much warmer SEDs. With FIR detections at several bands, our survey is in a unique position to address this question. Here we report on the initial classification of the FIR-bright galaxies in our survey based on optical and NIR colours, their interaction properties and photometric redshifts, and discuss the role of galaxy clusters as counterparts of ISOPHOT sources.

Juvela Mika , Mattila Kalevi , Kahanpää Jere , Kotilainen Jari

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