Presentation type requested: ORAL
Simon Driver

The Millennium Galaxy Catalogue is a precision "Rolls-Royce" survey spanning 37.5 sq degrees along the equatorial strip. It contains over 1 million galaxies to B=24 mag detected above a uniform isophotal detection limit of 26 mags per sq arcsec with median seeing of 1.2''. All objects have been fully eyeballed to B=20 mags to produce a robust bright catalogue. The MGC also overlaps with both the 2dFGRS and SDSS-EDR regions providing redshifts and colour for most of MGC-BRIGHT. The survey has multiple-purposes and we report progress on the following topics: (1) The photometric accuracy, completeness and contamination of the 2dFGRS and SDSS-EDR databases, (2) The overall field and morphological luminosity functions, (3) The Structural properties of the nearby galaxy population & the bivariate brightness distribution, (4) The dirth of giant low surface brightness galaxies, (5) Implications for faint galaxy number-count models,

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