Presentation type requested: ORAL
Andrei Lobanov
MPIfR, Bonn

Quasars, the most luminous power-houses of the Universe are detectable in early cosmological epochs (z>3.5) and are often found in dense protocluster environments. This makes surveys of the environment of high-redshift quasars a powerful tool for studying the protoclusters of galaxies still at the earliest stages of their formation. The quasars and the surrounding protoclusters may form some sort of "symbiotic systems" in which the protocluster material stipulates enhanced quasar activity in radio and X-ray bands, leading to formation of powerful outflows from the quasar nuclei. These outflows deposit hot material back into the protocluster environment, shaping up the galaxy formation. We discuss the implications of such interactions for the galaxy formation and quasar evolution, based on the results from our ongoing survey of compact and extended radio emission in a sample of 71 quasars with z>3. In several of the observed objects (most notably, in PKS~2215+020, 1713+218), peculiarly large (~3Mpc) radio and X-ray structures are detected, which are likely to be produced in the course of the interaction between the outflowing material and the protocluster environment.

Gurvits Leonid , Frey Sandor

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