Presentation type requested: POSTER
Bruce A Peterson
Mt. Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, RSAA, ANU

The Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS) contains over two hundred twenty thousand good quality unique galaxy redshifts obtained with the two degree field fiber spectrograph facility at the prime focus of the 4m Anglo-Australian Telescope. The photometric catalog, and all spectra are publicly available online at http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/2dFGRS and as a CD-ROM/DVD-ROM set containing FITS files of the spectra, DSS images of the target objects, and an SQL database for Linux that allows object selection by magnitude, redshift, etc. and provides a display of the image and spectrum of an individual object via a web browser. The area of the galaxy redshift survey covers two contiguous strips, 75x7.5 degrees along the celestial equator, 75x15 degrees through the South Galactic Pole, and 100 random fields spread uniformly over 7000 square degrees of the southern APM catalog. At the end of the survey (May 2002) 271,229 non-unique, 246,677 unique redshifts had been obtained. Of the unique redshifts, 14,049 are stars, 180 are QSOs, 221,283 are galaxies with good quality spectra. The limiting magnitude of the survey is an extinction corrected b_j=19.45, where b_j=B-0.28(B-V). The CD-ROM/DVD-ROM set may be obtained at the Mt. Stromlo and Siding Spring Observatories, RSAA, ANU exhibition both.

2dFGRS Team

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