Presentation type requested: ORAL
Leonid I Gurvits
Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe, The Netherlands

Recent progress in VLBI techniques makes it possible to explore the parsec-scale structures in complete samples of faint radio sources. In combination with state-of-the-art optical surveys such as the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) it permits a census of the small-scale radio structures of QSOs, faint active and starburst galaxies. VLBI can presently continue where synthesis arrays stopped two decades ago, and yield improved and new knowledge concerning the nature and cosmological evolution of galactic activity, both starburst and nuclear accretion driven. We will present results of the pilot observations of the Deep Extragalactic VLBI-Optical Survey (DEVOS) in which several dozens of SDSS-identified quasars with mJy-level flux densities at 6 cm wavelength were imaged with MERLIN and Global VLBI. The pilot project data enabled us to analyze statistical properties of parsec-scale radio structures in quasars in the range of redshift up to ~5.8 with luminosities of 10^23 - 10^25 W/Hz - until now untouched area of the

Frey Sandor , Mosoni Laszlo , Garrington Simon T, Garrett Michael A, Tsvetanov Zlatan

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