Presentation type requested: POSTER
Susana Deustua
American Astronomical Society

The SNAP science program to map the expansion history of the universe requires photometric discovery and detailed multiband photometric and spectroscopic follow-up observations of at least 2000 Type Ia supernovae with redshifts spanning the range z=0.3-1.7. The SNAP conceptual design consists of a wide-field (approximately one degree) diffraction limited telescope with a 2-meter primary. Its half-billion-pixel imaging and spectrographic system is comprised of state-of-the-art visible and infrared sensors sharing a large focal plane. CCD and HgCdTe devices will span the wavelength range of 350 nm to 1700 nm. An array of 9 fixed filters is deployed over the sensors and the focal plane is operated in a step-and-stare mode to perform broadband photometry over fixed regions of the sky. The spectrograph (R~100) is equipped with an image slicer to accommodate a working field of 3 x 3 arcseconds, offering high throughput over the entire 350-1700nm waveband. After the primary science mission, the facility will be available for guest survey proposals. for the SNAP Collaboration

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