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Shardha Jogee
Space Telescope Science Institute

Non-axisymmetric features such as bars drive the dynamical and secular evolution of disk galaxies by exerting gravitational torques which redistribute mass and angular momentum. While most (>70%) spirals are barred in the local Universe, early studies of the HDF suggest a remarkably low bar fraction (<20%) at intermediate redshifts (z=0.5-0.8). If confirmed, this result would imply that disks at these epochs are fundamentally different from present-day spirals. We revisit the recoverability, properties, and fraction of bars at intermediate redshifts with Hubble Space Telescope data from the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS) and Galaxy Evolution from Morphology and SEDS (GEMS). This data has better resolution, a factor of at least 10 improvement in number statistics, and redder wavelength coverage compared to the WFPC2 HDF data used in earlier studies. We present first results to analyze the stability of bars embedded in massive halos of various central concentrations and asymmetries.

Knapen, Johan H.; Lubell, Gabriel; Davies, James; Shlosman, Isaac; Conselice, Chris; Mobasher, B.; Dahlen, Tomas; Ravindranath, Swara; Barden, Marco; Beckwith, Steven V. W.; Bell, Eric F.; Borsch, Andrea; Caldwell, John A. R.; Häußler, Boris; Jahnke, Knud; McIntosh, Daniel H.; Meisenheimer, Klaus; Peng, Chien Y.; Rix, Hans-Walter; Sanchez, Sebastian F.; Somerville, Rachel S.; Wisotzki, Lutz; Wolf, Christian.

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