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Tetsuya Hara
Kyoto Sangyo University

Although it is calculated the CMB anisotropies through the Boltzmann equation, it is rather difficult to find out the meaning of the obtained results. In this paper, we have taken an other path to derive the similar results. Even though it takes some approximations, it makes much clear the characteristic features of the CMB anisotropies and it is easy to follow the formalism. Under this model, it becomes understandable the distinctive features of the CMB anisotropies, such as plateau (Sachs-Wolf effect), the first peak (doppler effect of the velocity field in the last scattering surface), many peaks (phase differences of accoustic waves at last scattering time) and decays (Silk damping). Especially the attention is paied to the meaning of the doppler effect due to the velocity field which is the total velocity field and not the radiation-matter coupled fluid velocity in this scheme. It becomes also clear the relation of the amplitude of the CMB anisotropies to that of cold dark matter. The results are investigated with varying cosmological parameters such as baryon density, Hubble costant, power index under flat universe, which are compared with the CMBfast calculations, CMB observations (WMAP) and the observed power spectra of galaxies.

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