IAU Symposium 216

Maps of the Cosmos


Unfortunately, due to the high number of poster papers, only papers from speakers will be accepted for the proceedings.

To all the speakers at IAU Symposium 216:

Thanks to you all for helping to make "Maps of the Cosmos" a very successful symposium. The SOC were very pleased with the quality of reviews and talks, and hope that this will translate to the printed page, so that the symposium proceedings will be a valuable contribution to the field.

The proceedings will be published as part of the ASP Conference Series; the editors are Matthew Colless and Lister Staveley-Smith. The page limits for proceedings papers are as follows:

  • Invited reviews = 15 pages
  • Invited talks = 10 pages
  • Contributed talks = 8 pages

Check the symposium program if you are not sure which category you are in (invited reviews and talks are so indicated; all other talks are contributed - see the final program). The deadline for submitting papers for the proceedings is

*** 31 OCTOBER 2003 ***

In this fast-moving field the value of the proceedings depends on timely publication. This is therefore a hard deadline - late papers may not be included in the proceedings.

All the relevant information for preparing your manuscript can be found on the ASP web site (see http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/cs/confseries.html). Please read the author instructions before preparing your paper (see http://www.astrosociety.org/pubs/cs/itp/authors.html). You are required to use the latest ^Ìnewpasp¹ LaTeX style files for preparing your contribution. For your convenience we attach three files: the LaTeX style file (newpasp.sty), and the LaTeX and PS versions of the manual/example paper (newpaspman.tex and newpaspman.ps).

Please follow carefully the instructions in the manual when preparing your paper - papers that do not follow the guidelines will be returned to the authors for revision.

Submit your papers to Matthew Colless (colless @ mso.anu.edu.au), ideally sending an email with an attached gzipped tar file containing the LaTeX file with your text, the individual PS/EPS files with your figures, and the PS file of the full paper. If your figures are very large, however, you may provide a WWW or FTP address from which the files can be downloaded.

Yours, Matthew Colless & Lister Staveley-Smith.

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