IAU Symposium 216

Maps of the Cosmos

14 - 17 July 2003

Travel Grants

Travel funds are limited, and, following IAU regulations, priority will be given to qualified scientists for whom few or no other means of support are available. For those scientists wishing to apply for a travel grant to IAU 216, please use the following procedure:
  1. If you intend to submit an abstract, do so at http://www.astronomy2003.com.
  2. Fill out the IAU travel grant application form available from IAU Information Bulletin 91 (July 2002 Special Issue), or download the pdf version
  3. For Joint Discussions, Special Sessions, Commissions and Working Groups, submit to the IAU General Secretary in Paris. The FAX number is +33 1 43 25 26 16
  4. For IAU 216, submit to Lister Staveley-Smith ATNF-CSIRO (co-chair, IAU 216). FAX number is +61 2 9372 4310

The deadline for receipt of travel grant applications and accompanying abstracts was February 15, 2003

Applications have now closed.
We will acknowledge receipt of all applications by 1 March. The IAU plans to inform applicants of results by 15 March.

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