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Re: V271BR

From: <Chris.Phillips_at_email.protected>
Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2009 11:45:50 +1000

The onsource logs are available on the web - I will remind Allesandra.


On 27/04/2009, at 11:39 AM, Philip.Edwards_at_csiro.<!--nospam-->au wrote:

>Hi Chris,
>Obvious place to check first is the observing logs on the wiki, but
>frustratingly these do not exist for ATCA and Mopra for this run!!
>We need to do better than that...
>V271b is an x-band run from last November.
>Inspection of caobs logs reveals these are not LO issues.
>>>>ATCA: No detections from No0016 to No0039: some of these scans
>>>>are recognized by fourfit as valid (expecially for the
>>>>to Hobart), but they are garbage: the power spectrum is
>From the v271b.sum file, these scan numbers correspond to times:
>16 333 09:44:24
>39 333 10:52:24
>>>>No detection from No0340 to No0345 ( some scans are recognised
>>>>valid by fourfit, but, as for above are garbage).
>>>>Visibility phases vs time unstable: one of the LOs break the
>>>>lock (when the effect is visible, it is present in all BBCs)
>>>>and relock at a different phase. Without phase cal data I
>>>>cannot check further this theory (see plot in attachment).
>>>>Early scan stops : ~4 AP
>And for these:
>340 334 03:54:44
>345 334 04:09:14
>The caobs_activity log reports for this experiment:
>2008/11/28 08:52:52 open 2008-11-28_0852.V271B
>2008/11/28 10:54:32 gap of 4270 s
>2008/11/28 21:27:40 close 2008-11-28_0852.V271B
>2008/11/28 21:27:43 open 2008-11-28_2127.V271B
>2008/11/29 03:08:31 close 2008-11-28_2127.V271B
>2008/11/29 03:09:21 open 2008-11-29_0309.V271B
>2008/11/29 03:10:32 gap of 192 s
>2008/11/29 04:08:52 gap of 840 s
>2008/11/29 09:03:05 close 2008-11-29_0309.V271B
>So there were clearly gaps (which presumably means telescope idle)
>at the times in question, hence no fringes.
>Looking further, the caobs_error log reports
>C 28-NOV-2008 09:43:23 stop
>C 28-NOV-2008 09:43:24 stow
>I 28-NOV-2008 09:43:24 All active antennas stowing
>C 28-NOV-2008 09:44:08 stow
>I 28-NOV-2008 09:44:08 All active antennas stowing
>C 28-NOV-2008 10:54:25 start
>Well, no surprises at no fringes if everything was stowed.
>The question then is why was it stowed??
>For the second block:
>I 29-NOV-2008 03:54:54 All active antennas stowing
>E 29-NOV-2008 03:54:54 WIND ALARM - antennas stowing
>I 29-NOV-2008 03:55:03 All active antennas stowing
>E 29-NOV-2008 03:55:03 WIND ALARM - antennas stowing
>C 29-NOV-2008 04:07:53 start
>A wind stow.
>These need to be logged at the time to save the correlator staff
>from wasting their time chasing these up.

Chris Phillips
CSIRO ATNF eVLBI project scientist
Office: (+61) (0)2 93724608 Mobile: (+61) (0)439487601
Received on 2009-04-27 11:46:10