Distinguished visitors program

The ATNF has a "Distinguished Visitor" program to facilitate working visits by leading international researchers. The program provides some financial and logistical support for researchers planning to work at the ATNF during visits of no less than one month and up to one year.

Current visitors are Joel Weisberg (Carleton College) and John Storey (University of New South Wales).

Over the next year we are looking forward to visits from Tamara Helfer (University of California, Berkeley), John Lugden (University of California, Berkeley), Michael Kramer (Jodrell Bank), Busaba Kramer (NECTC, Thailand), Juan Uson (NRAO), Mary Putman (University of Michigan), Nissim Kanekar (NRAO), Jayaram Chengalur (NCRA, Pune), Ralf-Juergen Dettmar (Ruhr-University Bochum), Ken Kellerman (NRAO) and Robert Williams (STScI).

Interested visitors should discuss working visits with the Director or an ATNF member of staff.

Naomi McClure-Griffiths on behalf of the DV Committee
