ATNF publications list

Publication lists for papers which include ATNF data are available on the Web at:

Please email any corrections or additions to Christine van der Leeuw (

This list includes published refereed articles and conference papers, including ATNF data, compiled since the June 2003 newsletter. Papers which include one or more ATNF staff are indicated by an asterisk.

*BERNARDI, G., CARRETTI, E., CORTIGLIONI, S., SAULT, R.J., KESTEVEN, M.J. & POPPI, S. "Polarization observations in a low synchrotron emission field at 1.4 GHz". ApJ, 594, L5-L8 (2003).

BLOMME, R., DESTEENE, G.C.V., PRINJA, R.K., RUNACRES, M.C. & CLARK, J.S. "Radio and submillimetre observations of wind structure in zeta Puppis". A&A, 408, 715-727 (2003).

BOUCHARD, A., CARIGNAN, C. & MASHCHENKO, S. "The HI environment of the Sculptor dwarf spheroidal galaxy". AJ, 126, 1295-1304 (2003).

CILIEGI, P., VIGNALI, C., COMASTRI, A., FIORE, F., LaFRANCA, F. & PEROLA, G.C. "The BeppoSAX High Energy Large Array Survey (HELLAS). VI. The radio properties". MNRAS, 342, 575-586 (2003).

CRAWFORD, F. & KEIM, N.C. "Radio polarization of the young high-magnetic-field pulsar PSR J1119-6127". ApJ, 590, 1020-1025 (2003).

*DODSON, R., LEWIS, D., McCONNELL, D. & DESHPANDE, A.A. "The radio nebula surrounding the Vela pulsar". MNRAS, 343, 116-124 (2003).

ELLINGSEN, S.P., CRAGG, D.M., MINIER, V., MULLER, E. & GODFREY, P.D. "A search for 85.5- and 86.6-GHz methanol maser emission". MNRAS, 344, 73-82 (2003).

GAENSLER, B.M., HENDRICK, S.P., REYNOLDS, S.P. & BORKOWSKI, K.J. "Discovery of a new pulsar wind nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud". ApJ, 594, L111-L114 (2003).

GAENSLER, B.M. & WALLACE, B.J. "A multi-frequency radio study of supernova remnant G292.0+1.8 and its pulsar wind nebula". ApJ, 594, 326-339 (2003).

*GORDON, S., KORIBALSKI, B.S. & JONES, K. "Australia Telescope Compact Array HI observations of the NGC 6845 galaxy group". MNRAS, 342, 939-950 (2003).

*HORELLOU, C. & KORIBALSKI, B.S. "The gigantic interacting galaxy NGC 6872": presented at The Evolution of Galaxies. III. From Simple Approaches to Self-Consistent Models, Kiel, 2002, Astrophys. Space Sci., 284, 499-502 (2003)

*JAUNCEY, D.L., KING, E.A., BIGNALL, H.E., LOVELL, J.E.J., KEDZIORA-CHUDCZER, L., TZIOUMIS, A.K., TINGAY, S.J., MACQUART, J.P. & McCULLOCH, P.M. "Variability in GPS sources". PASA, 20, 151-155 (2003).

*JOHNSON, K.E., INDEBETOUW, R. & PISANO, D.J. "Searching for embedded super-star clusters in IC 4662, NGC 1705, and NGC 5398". AJ, 126, 101-112 (2003).

JOHNSTON, S. & ROMANI, R.W. "Giant pulses from PSR B0540-69 in the Large Magellanic Cloud". ApJ, 590, L95-L98 (2003).

KANE, S.R. & VAUGHAN, A.E. "Radio observations of the supernova remnant candidate G312.5-3.0". MNRAS, 344, 625-628 (2003).

KAPLAN, D.L., VAN KERKWIJK, M.H., MARSHALL, H.L., JACOBY, B.A., KULKARNI, S.R. & FRAIL, D.A. "The nearby neutron star RX J0720.4-3125 from radio to X-rays". ApJ, 590, 1008-1019 (2003).

*KRAMER, M., BELL, J.F., MANCHESTER, R.N., LYNE, A.G., CAMILO, F., STAIRS, I.H., D'AMICO, N., KASPI, V.M., HOBBS, G., MORRIS, D.J., CRAWFORD, F., POSSENTI, A., JOSHI, B.C., McLAUGHLIN, M.A., LORIMER, D.R. & FAULKNER, A.J. "The Parkes Multibeam Pulsar Survey. III. Young pulsars and the discovery and timing of 200 pulsars". MNRAS, 342, 1299-1324 (2003).

*LANG, R.H., BOYCE, P.J., KILBORN, V.A., MINCHIN, R.F., DISNEY, M.J., JORDAN, C.A., GROSSI, M., GARCIA, D.A., FREEMAN, K.C., PHILLIPPS, S. & WRIGHT, A.E. "First results from the HI Jodrell All Sky Survey: inclination-dependent selection effects in a 21-cm blind survey". MNRAS, 342, 738-758 (2003).

MARTIN-HERNANDEZ, N.L., VANDERHULST, J.M. & TIELENS, A.G.G.M. "A radio continuum and infrared study of Galactic HII regions". A&A, 407, 957-985 (2003).

*McCLURE-GRIFFITHS, N.M., DICKEY, J.M., GAENSLER, B.M. & GREEN, A.J. "Loops, drips, and walls in the Galactic chimney GSH 277+00+36". ApJ, 594, 833-843 (2003).

*McLAUGHLIN, M.A., STAIRS, I.H., KASPI, V.M., LORIMER, D.R., KRAMER, M., LYNE, A.G., MANCHESTER, R.N., CAMILO, F., HOBBS, G., POSSENTI, A., D'AMICO, N. & FAULKNER, A.J. "PSR J1847-0130: a radio pulsar with magnetar spin characteristics". ApJ, 591, L135-L138 (2003).

*MORGANTI, R., TADHUNTER, C.N., OOSTERLOO, T.A., HOLT, J., TZIOUMIS, A. & WILLS, K. "The impact of the early stages of radio source evolution on the ISM of the host galaxies" : 3rd Workshop on Compact Steep Spectrum and GHz-Peaked Spectrum Radio Sources, Kerastari, Tripoli, Greece, 29-31 May 2002, PASA, 20, 129-133 (2003).

*RYAN-WEBER, E.V., WEBSTER, R. L. & STAVELEY-SMITH, L. "The column density distribution function at z = 0 from HI selected galaxies". MNRAS, 343, 1195-1206 (2003).

*SLEE, O.B., WILLES, A.J. & ROBINSON, R.D. "Long-duration coherent radio emission from the dMe star Proxima Centauri". PASA, 20, 257-262 (2003).

TINGAY, S.J. & DEKOOL, M. "Radio spectral variability of the nearby GPS galaxy PKS 1718-649". PASA, 20, 140-143 (2003).

TINGAY, S.J. & DEKOOL, M. "An investigation of synchrotron self-absorption and free-free absorption models in explanation of the gigahertz-peaked spectrum of PKS 1718-649". AJ, 126, 723-733 (2003).
